
A creature of small size, no taller than some three and a half feet, with a simple, somewhat pear-shaped torso. Thirteen is covered in extremely short, plush velvet-like fur that is white, leaving the pink hue of some sensitive areas visible through it. It's figure is thick and somewhat curvy, with short thick limbs and cute, pudgy digits on its small hands and paws, being largest in its behind and soft tummy. From the being's rump sprouts a roundish, fluffy tail. It has a plump chest, but it's hard to tell if that's just fluff and fat or perhaps small breasts. Thirteen has a milk line.

Thirteen's head is large with a small, upturned snout and pink mustelid-esque nose. The cranium is very large and round, and two massive eyes are far apart on either side, jet black and glimmering with curiosity. There is a third, very tiny eye on its forehead, and this one is white. On top of the animal's round skull are two lightly furred antennae with pink tips, and two long, large, triangular ears that flow back from the thing's temples, each the size of its head.

It appears to be female-sexed, what with its girly mound and cleft, but tucked inside is a small tapered penis that could almost pass for a very large clitoris, but um.. it squirts!

Thirteen is a very cuddly little thing with a busy mind and a calm demeanor.

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