Juiceandspunk.com << The Infinite Tub << Description Board

Welcome to the new Description Board -- the siteplace where the description of most of the tub's furs, new and old, is located. Unfortunately, most descriptions weren't transferred from the old board yet by their owners, so the link still is avaliable.

In case of errors or problems, shout first at Kobayen. If he's not in the tub, someone who can relay the message to him usually is present. A growing FAQ addressing minor problems and questions can be found here.

-Bird- - American Robin, arms and wings. (Red breast!)
-Chris- - Kitty (Cant think of anything clever :C)
13 - A small, soft and friendly duosexual alien from Ophiuchus
26 - Very 'friendly' Eevee girl, ask her to 'Assume the Position'
- Smart, playful, loyal wolf
Wolfy - Silver furred wolf with jade colored eyes
a-girl - cute and cuddly hedgehog
Abernathy - A male Siberian Huskytaur
Absinthe - steampunk Billy Bumbler. Female.
Absolut - Just you're every day smart ass
Abucard - An anthro wolf, bored and lookin for a hunt
Ace - A Racing Fox (Editing whenever i get a chance)
Achak - Roar, big male dragon here, feral or anthro
Adamant -
Adam - Horny feline. :)
Adelmar - A Coatimundi who just blew in from who-knows-where
Ademest - A flighty fennec fox~
Adena - Koopa, Female, Warning: Erections may occur within 100ft of koopa ;)
Adish - A club-hopping horse.
Adiva - borrower!
adonis - a 6'5 red dragon
Adonis - Black Pegasus, CLICK!!!
adonus - a 5'8 anthro panther
Adra Windcrafte - The owner of Windcrafte Mechanics Inc.
Adrenaline - A humanoid shapeshifter.
Advarious - Dark Silver Dragon, Male, Bi, Loves to Have Fun.
Aegeon - The Regal, Breeding Stud Lion
Aegeus - Ancient Armadillo
Aenaeo'wol - Modified Queen Alien Construct; far different from the Hivemind.
Aeris Nightwave - An azure griffon of the blue sky
Aftershock - Bull-headed, winged, red-skinned Pit Lord
Ageha - Ninja cat girl with over active imagination
Ahadiel - Panther Actor who hangs about
Aidan - A blue and black leapard
Ai - just a friendly bob-cat C:
Aila - A centaurette, a la Fred Moore
Aileena - Hermaphrodite Wolftaur
Aine - Lil fae
Airiel - A lovable gal, that loves to be with pretty much about everybody, READ!
Ai Quen - Scottish Selkie Female
Aja - Spacegoat, Coast to Coast
Ajax - A small African Lion who loves to read
AJ - Human
AJ 'Azexues' - a grim but tolerate shadow cupid...
Akakios - small furry creature.
Akasha - Gorgon
Akashi - a Demon Wolf which isn;t a bad guy
Akiak - Husky-Wolf-Clydesdale mix leaning heavily on the canine side. (Warning; contains hyper dong.)
Akimoto - Cross dressing white wolf
AkioShiloh - Updates
Aki - Pure white wolf 6' 2
Akkadian - A pharoah hound dressed in rather regal somewhat eygiptian religious garb.
Aksana - A red dragoness.
Akuma Lion - a large dark furred lion, with bllood throughout his mane
Alaina - Female Jerboa
Al - A kinda tall kinda short female, sable and white collie.
Albino Jack - Jackal, the Croc/Iguana hybrid.
Aleisha -
Aleithia - They're neck-and-neck!
Alena - The Red Panda Princess
Alepomon - A digimon who looks ver similiar to Renamon
Alexander - Black Humunculi Timber wolf.
Alexandria - ~
Alexia Kachusov - Tall bright green bio-luminescent male Sergal.
Alexis - Lovable female Burmecian.
Alex - Just a mousey boy with white fur...
Alice Coventry - A sweet white rabbit
Aliki - The Living Foci
Alimah - Steampunk Faun
Alina - Feline female ^.^
Alina Nash - Dominant badger-girl
Alix - A small but powerful white goat of the German variety.
Alla - A petit white rabbit with a nursing degree and English obsession.
AlleyPop - She's Sexy, She's Nice and She's Fun to Be With
Allu - Shadow Demoness
Allusion - Cheif Master Saregeant of the R-T-S.
Alocard - The Vampire of the Mists...
Alouette - Beaver gal
Alto - Male Feline
Alt Notification - List of alts who aren't listed as alts.
Alviro Ransem - The Red Bangaa of the desert.
Alyoshin - White Bengal Tiger from the far east
Alyssa - A black widow spider
AlyssaDrake - Half demon lady.
Amanda -
Amanda Phillips - Black Panthress/Shapeshifter
Amarantha - See AmaranthA
Amelia Lionhart - Three tailed lioness. Clockwork cyborg, and mechanical genius!
Amenai - The 'mummy'
Amilia - a shy little jellyfish girl
Amise - Attitude
Amraja - He is a wolf Spider
Amy - A female fox with a curvy figure
An-Yan - The Big Ninebreon and older brother to Kylen
Anael - White anthro eagle
Ana - friendly neko girl with strange obsessions
Ananti - A spirited slave fossa....Owned, and hard to handle.
Anathema - A Thresher/Tiger Shark female with a bit of an atttude problem.
Anatolia - An interesting mix of husky and leopard.
Andi - Android Model #0097
Andifferous - a morbidly obese pikachu cub
Angela - half-angel pet to Maxxxine and Narina
Angel - Fun loving herm that likes to be with others
Angelus - cautious deep purple leopardess
Angelwolf - I'm a brown wolf.
Anita - A Rusty-Spotted Cat
Anitthef - The shy, not-so-little Indian Elephant
AnJara - A Weird Wolf with a love for all,
Anja Kordova - Female Red Panda
Anku - Little Egyptian Fennec~
Annabelle - Cream-Colored Tigress
Anoku - An average alien
Anthony Carmine - Come on, die for papa.
Anthyl - A Necromancer Commander..
Antioch - Orion Assante's pet falcon
Antione-sigma - hyper evolved crystal dragon
Antipode - fluffy rape toy.
antoine - 16-bit tonu
Anton - Spotty Puppy!
Anya - A horse girl looking for fun
Anyakitty - Blue Kitten
Anzi - A black cat
Aosyn - A Simple Gentleman...
Aphrodite - The Greek Goddess
Apothacer - A Dogfox
Applejack - Hard-working pony gal
Apple - Wolf
April - Shy vixen girl
Aqua - The Sea Cow
Ara - A shy fox girl android. Yes she has adult programing in her.
Arabella Araby - Scottish Red Deer (F)
Aramais - Long dark hair flowing around a curvy pretty neko girl _*updated 2/16/19*_
Aranai - Sultry Arachne Seamstress
Arayna - Sweet Sexy Salamander!
Archaic - Cobra Naga Gal
ArchAngel Lupin - the form taken by Lupin during his search for spells of reincarnation
Archer, Howl, and Leon - Three-headed Hellhound of the Cerberi family
Arctica - Female wolfess from the arctic tundra.
Areno - Ever Exotic Sand Elf!
arguile - the tub's silly dobe boy
Argus -
Argyle - A bookish Armadillo
Aries - Druidic Rottweiler
Ark - Armorclad watcher
Arkin Sinatada - Black/Neon Green Dragon
arliss - playful little heffer
Armadox - Drunken Bum Possum
Arnor - the armour
Aromel - Inverted Tiger
Aron - Short and heavy
Arrem - An otter boy.
Arridiatta - She's hot.
Arrik -
Artamis - Maid
Artashir Regulus - A tall lion who is searching for his forgotten kingdom and place in life.
Artemys - Adrogynous Carbuncle Hermboi
Artica - Herm Ice Jogauni- white and cyan fur
Artie - Husky
Arya - All grown up black wolfess
Aryana - Female Golden Cat. Goddess.
Aryx - shy and mysterious fennec kitsune
Ascyllia Darkhope - Demon Temptress.. The Dark Lady of Seduction..
Ashad - Slender femme-boi dom
Ashanna - A mongoose.
Asher - 8' tall well built anthro male white tiger
Ashe Fleur - Intersexed male Siren
Ash - Robotic companion, customise as you wish
Asmodeus - Prince of Demons
Aspen Lament - Albino Sergal
Asriel - Wil, For short. Behemoth Guy.
Assinio - A Jackass of Distinction
Astor - Green Kitty Boi
Asuka - Asuka Achilles, Ctarl-Ctarl Ex-Military!
Asyra - Liquid Sentinal
Athena - The winged Unicorn of Mount Olympus
Atokada - Black dragon with a fluffy silvery mane flowing from head to tail.
August - Teenage Waif
Aulis - Somewhat innocent pompom
Aura-Chan - Hazel-Eyed White Angora House Cat
Aura - A white-tail Doe
Avdriy - Twilit Anubian Lupi
Avexxus the Rook - A tiny masked crow hidden in old robes
Avis - squaak
Avril - Punk Ferret girl
AX - A sexy black demon with a thick uncut cock
Ayan - Drezzer's older sister
Aya & Ayame - Tub hot potato! Cookie wolf! Actually tastes like cookies!!!! As well as vain almost pretty boy with muscles! updated as of 2/7/10
Aya Nalya - Sweet lil' orca!
Aylen - Otter girl
Ayra - The Bakenshe are a race of people descended from the Bakeneko who interbred with the Banshee.
Azazel - Little imp!
Azimuth - Humanoid Iberian Lynx with a mission and a temper.
Aziza - Giant Lop Bunny with curves in all the right places!
Azo - Polar Bear
Azuli [WIP] - A hatchling full of life and vigor!
Azure Wolf - Average blue wolf. :3
A cactus - A cactus
Badlem - Coyote. Stop.
Badru - sneaky, silent panther
Bad - theres a reasin he's called bad....
BadTubRoom~ - It's a black version of the Tub, not infinite.
Baga - Grey hare
Bailey Montgomery - A wide-hipped, buxom Bernese Mountain Dog with a degree in Psychology.
Baine - 6 foot 3 inch Norwegian Forest cat. I am the fluffiest of things.
Baird - The Kilted Kitty, the Lion of Scotland
Baistian - An 8 foot tall blue dragon
Bakti - Male, Bornean Clouded Leopard, dom and sub (switches personalities) Bi- male preference (LAST UPDATED 1/6/10)
balan - The weaponized woman
Balirith - just another demon...
Balor - Its a Sea Serpent... um Dragon!
Balthasar - This Lion, You See. (Will be updated and prettied up.)
bambi -
Banana - A venomous little bugger.
Bandit - a shy sexy as hell herm Racoon as if you couldnt guess
Bansi - The Chinese Dragon
Bany - Cute Little Shy Wallaby Boi
Baphomet - Death God... kind of.
Baphor Meht - Keen for fun Ram
Barda - A Half-elf paladin
Bart - Big lionish fellow
Basil - a very young two-tailed kitty
Basisht - Indian Demon, has a Naga form.
BC - A male mule with one wierd color patern
Beale -
Bearstronaut 11 - You thought you knew him...
beastguy - some guy...who's a beast stuck with the curse (or blessing) of the insatiable soul of an arabian lioness
Beastial - DA BONER BULL
Beastius - wild and uncaged animal man, stocky build
Beast D - Beastius as a doberman....with Easter attire. Cocaine's a helluva drug
Beast Wayne - Beastius...except more 'batty'. And a bit British.
Bebe Pink - an unusual creature!
Becky - Cuddly Kitty Girl
Bedlam - Devildog
Bee - The shape-shifting psycho for all occasions [11 Feb 15]
Bella - What seems to be like a deliciously gorgeous looking fox
Belle-Morte -
Belle -
Belu - Water dragon/infernal
Bemme - Amazonian blue dragoness, twelve feet tall, athletic build, emerald eyes.
Benny - Slutty slave boy otter
Benny the bull - The big, striping bull }:)
Berry - Yummy, but don't eat too much please~
Beryl - For the most part i am friendly ^___^
Bessa - Tranny gator gal
Beth - Human traveler
Bhag'Thera - A slick black panther who's hardly slick at all
Bhanupriya - Centipede-girl // Monstergirl
BiancaBonne - A busty social butterfly poodle known as Mme. Bonne, the governess.
Biddle - Shy wittle bunny boy ^-^
BigRed - An older dobie with a cockney accent and an apt nickname...
Big Kitty - The Man, the Myth, the Legend.
Bill - A more masculine William
Billy B-Bella B - A big, round rumpt, anthro behemoth! [Gay male, or bi female herm.]
Billy Behemoth - the fat rumped behemoth boy
Billy Obsidian - Something for everyone! Gender shifting out the wazoo.
Billy the Goat - Just a big friendly goat.
Bjorn - He likes to bear all
BlackBloodPack - A pack of wolfs...and a leopard
Blade - a 6'0 black panther
Blain - A laid back mutt who thinks clingy females are to be avoided at all costs. :3
Blair - zombie
Blake the Cool -
Blastgoggles - Panda Herm at your service, your desire is my design *giggle*
Blaz - A flame colored werewolf with the ability of fire and telekenisis.
Blaze - a peaceful demon firewolf with the power of spirit flames and hellfire... Also know as the God of Forgiveness.
Blind - Hound
Blisdon - o.o amazing just like new
Bloodcat - A female Paladin
Blood Wolf Moon - A Big ol'Wolf
Bloop - The Golden Slime bun!
BlueBear - Blue teddy bear, three feet tall
Blueberry - a sweet fruity hybrid
Blue - I'm Blue da ba beda ba die
Bluetooth - Bluetooth is a Blue dragon human hybrid.
blueyez - black shewolf
Blur - Anthro Great Arctic wolf ya dats me!
Boa - Resident male naga
Bobby - A tall, well muscled, golden bobcat
Bobby Blanc -
Bodkin - Buff herm hoss!
Bogkun - Nicest doggy you'll ever meet.
bohemianbeast - And to express myself honestly, now that my friend, is very difficult to do.
Bohemian - the big horny horsetaur
Bone - That dog ain't gon' hunt
Books - A bookworm of a white rabbit!
BORK BORK - Purple Kitty / Predator Deity
Boua - A snake with curves
Bowseh - Bowser, the king of the Koopas.
Bradley Connors - Hyper (literally) monkey, fluent in Tae Kwon Do.
Brandon - Black Fox
Brandubh - Blackbird singin' in the dead of niiiight~
Brandy - Mare with unusual colors
Brandy Gryph - A cheery gryphon with a blue jay mother and a butt as bubbly as his personality.
Braxton - Big boy panther
Brayden - White male deer. Tall, quiet.
Breiana - Blue Gnoll
Brennan - Fox/Rabbit Hybrid
Brentley -
Brian - A polar bear, of a rather nerdy and inelligent disposition
Bridget - A female water naiad
Brie - Decker Giant
Brilai - The bronzong
Brim - A marvelous gentleman like Fish Crow
Brinie - Say Good Evening to the Octopi.
Brittany -
Brodie - chubby chocolate MILF cow
Brook - Honeydew-Colored Thresher Shark.
Broteus - big bad bull, bitches
Bryan - size changing deer
Bryce - Pitbull
Brádaigh - See
BubblegumRoo - A two foot pink bubblegum kangaroo.
Bucky - Jackrabbit and Texan!
Buddy - A wiry, agouti fur-colored rat of some repute.
Bumper - Bouncebouncebounce
bunnyboi - Lanky grey-furred bunny who loves mischief
BunnyDude - Im a cute bunny who loves all kinds of adventures
bunn boy - a shy litle bunny boy. Happy happy, Joy joy :3
Buster Bunny -
Butterdog - Blarg, I'm dog.
Bête - the amalgamation
Caddy - Girly Chipmunk with a big ass!
Caemdare - Casual relaxed fox
Caesar - The Maine Coon of all trades
Cahal - Fallen angel.
Caine - Male, Panther (added Jan 4 2007)
Caine - See Ryker
Cairne - Minotaur
Caitlyn - Lizard gal with a little extra packin'
Caliana -
Calico2 - Orange kitty
Calico - A Calico feline with a Naive and Curious outlook
cali - Female Calico Feline ~
Cali - Female Calico Feline ~
Calista - Naga of the Crystal Lotus
Cali[inactive?] - Female dragon.
Calli - the original phat phox
Call of Tubthulhu - Rules place for the Call of Cthulhu sessions - UPDATED!
Calpheria - a guarded one eyed red tigeress with long shiny silver hair........
Calypsie - Selkie, daughter of the Goddess Calypso
Calypso - Avatar of Duos and Tenebra
Cameron - Ocelot
Cami - Cami Kat - Cream siamese with moss colored markings and gray green eyes. ^^
Candy - Candy - the Silver Fox
Canis - Feral Arctodus/Wolf Forest Spirit
Canton - Submissive small catboy with a problem with saying no
Caoimhín - Scottish Bhorchlean
Captain Rayna Langri -
Captain Rush - Yiffy Pirate Kitty
Cara - female wolfdog
Carlos - Orange Dragon
Carlyle - Snuggle loving ram
Carmella - Carmella 'Red' Ingold, "Terran" bounty hunter
Carmen - Roller Derby Shark-Girl
Carol - A pure white tigeress, no stripes
Carolina - A red squirrel girl with brown hair
Carousel - ~Hisakawa Industries presents: The next big thing in imaginative robotic companionship.~
Carrie - the sage green Chameleon shapeshifter
Carson Sparks - Don't ask him for legal advice.
Casey - A light brown horse girl
Caslopis - Female naked mole rat
Cassandra - A young, naive cow-girl
Casshern - A cautious simease cat, he wears a suit of armour that is unique.
Cassie - German Sheppard
Catalena - a sweet innocent white tigress
Catherine -
Catwoman - or Selina Kyle. Gotham's personal cat burglar. [meow]
Caz - Of the House of Desmins
Cecilia - "And if I see Van Helsing, I swear to the lord I will slay him!~"
Cecilia Earthwalker - Younger Sister to Nakhash Earthwalker
Celestial - Wolf Angel vampyre~
Celila - bloop!
Celina - Cutest, sweetest bunny girl ever! :)
Celine - Quiet Vixen with a heart of gold
Cellynna - A short haired friendly ferret.
Ceraf - Pseudo-Dragon
Cervos - Short, Albino, Cheetah. Too cute for you, wiminz.
Cestis - rawr...chuuu~
Ch'neli -
Chah - Pronounced 'Shah'
Chaia - Draconicy type
Chalice - Slowly Mutating Cetacean
Chance - Tiger Lawyer Prostitute
Chandresh - Brownskinned, white tailed Indian Naga
Chaos - A brooding stallion
Charial - a bi sexy female cheetah. age 21. height 5 feet 2 inches tall. weight 95 pounds. color golden yellow.
CharlesRex - Gentleman dinosaur... a businessman just looking to relax.
Charlie - Blue Heeler-German Shepherd mix - female
Charlie Hare - Hermaphrodite hare. You have been warned.
Charlie the Rabbit - A brown and white rabbit with some bangin' curves!
Charlotte - Female Taur Black Widow
Charmin - A Tissue Wolf
Chaser - Racoon boy with shaggy brow hair, and two fluffy rigged tails
Chase Maverick - The otter is in the house!
Chas - The crazed Brit-punk hedgehog.
Chelsea - Deceased...
Chernobyl - Fimbriated Moray Eel with the looks of a typical modern day teenager.
Cherry - Young vixen kit
Cherry Bomb - Make your very own Goo-Girl today! (Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!)
Chessayne'dia - Chessa- The Drow Assassin
Chester - Sabertooth tiger
Chez - Purple stripes and green fur!
Chicken - A cat-sized chimera voyeur. Ask before doing stuff to him, please! Very skittish.
Chidramal - the white Chinese dragon
Chien Belleville - The third captain of the Ocean's Executioner
Chilly - Just a white fluffly fuzzball of woof floof
chiri - cute chubby chipmunk gal =D
chisato - A snowboarding Aussie Leopard
Chisha - Anime Kitty Girl
Chiu Belleville - Gryphoness captain o' Th' Ocean`s Executioner
Chiyome - Dark Kitsune Ninja~~~~
Chorca - Cuddly (and frisky) Raccoon or Orca
chozoscout - Another person who walks the earth
Christina Blood - A vampire.
Christopher Gray - A black-as-night buck.
Chuckles - Regenerator
Chuma - Y'all like a guy who laughs, right?
Chunk - Big Bad Handsome Man (BHM) Beastius alt
Ciana lu - Spotted deer with a tendency to wear Yoga pants!
Cianna Maria Lopez - Tri-Tailed Kemonomimi
Cinder - A leopardess.
Cinna -
Cinox Fellpyre - Read my Web site, in my Profile
Cipher - Blends and Watches
Cischiral - Faded gray-blue half-spotted-hyena half-deer girl. Bi sexual. Girly body with pseudo-penis and antlers.
Citrus - Sweet smelling hugabunch plant monster <3
Ck - Oh, I don't know. You'd be surprised.
Clair - A doggirl
claudia - im a black and red fire wolf im happy loveing but im very meek
Claudius - A loveable otter with a heart of gold
Clay Jennings - Friendly Doberman
Clef - One of two: A skunk guy(boi?) or green dragon guy(boi?), lean atheletic build.
Cleofus - Just another dog.
Cloak - o...o
Clockwork - Clockwork
Cloud - Blue Bunny Boi
Clover -
Cly - silver furred blonde maned 8ft 2" horse...
Cobalt Dragon -
CobraConda - A massive Yuan-ti warrior from the deep jungles...
Cock - and Balls
Colby - Male, Golden Retriever.
Colin - ...is a rat
Colonel James Horef - Gator-Like Reptillian
Colonel Krauser - Nazi officer
Colton - Young male ponyboi
ConradDeclan - Conrad is a sable-colored ferret and is adorable :3
Copper's dirge. - Fucking moon goo.
CopperCheetah - Mature cheetah with a mischievous streak
Copper - White and grey furred dogboy.
Coricopat - Orange cat girl
Corie - White wolf
Corra - dead
Corso - Horse
Cory Rosalie Levnaal - The doctor is in.
Cosmic - White horsey boi
cosmic kitty - a little shape shifting kitty girl thats out of this world (kitty girl is original form)
Cottonball - Squeak!
Coyote Fusion - White android coyote woman
Crea - Winged Wolfess
Creek - Giant Otter = Giant.. Ehm.. Fun!
Crimson Dragon - Red Hawt Dragon
Crit - This fox is all sarcasm, sleek red coat, and fluffy white underbelly. In that order.
Cruzo - A strange demon guy thingy majigur!
Cubic - The living Cube
Cunnie - What a fucking slut.
Curcio - Big,Buff Spanish bull!!
Curiouser - Just your everyday black cat furry...
Curry - Blackbelly barbados sheep from London- and a high-fashion pervert.
CyanideCandy - green wolfie with a big heart....and teeth
Cyber X - The Nuclear Dragon Reborn!!!
Cyn - stuck in the great wheel
Cynthia Sweet - sweet little mouse girl!
Cyo cyote - say what?
Cypher Wolf - formly known as Project_293
Cyral - Dark-colored lion.
Cyrene - Pale Equine
Cythis - A reptile
Daemi - lil fox with hair that changes constantly
Daggers The Dragon - A blue Horned Dragon here for various reasons.
Dahlia - A Pure White Wolf
Dairolic - An Awesome Laid-Back Five Tailed Kitsune
Daisy -
Dai - the 4-tailed tiger kitty herm whos a bundle of fun
Dale - Snowshoe hare (M)
Dally - Short lil mousie!~
Dalyth - Centauress
Damali - Big Beautiful Elephant!~
Damaria - Half kitty, half mouse shemale
Damiana - Well she is cute and foxy. A little flirty. Take a look.
Damian - Frisky Ferret Boy
Damian Bright - A white dragon
Damnit fox - Cubby confused todlerbunn
Damon - Just your regular male siamese cat-boy.
Damon Diamond - The Dancing Snake!
Dan - A wild hare
Daniel - A playful rabbit
Daniella - Chubby rhino gal
Daniy - Daniy is an anthro collie boy, transformed from the man he was- but being a puppy is so much more fun...
Danni - Chubby lil doberman looking for some fun and then soon more!~
Dannika - Doubly-endowed Ifrit girl
Danny Boy - Danny the little cat boy
Dante - Male Phukbunny
Dante the wolf - Twi's son Dante
Daoza - Nature's lil' deviant
Darius - mix breed with a dark past
Darkie - Russian foxi crossdresser!!
darkness - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1268367/
Dark Fire - a 6'0 black panther
Dark Guilmon - Innocent Devious
Dark Lion -
Dark Steel - A black tiger
Dark Whisp - a being of pure power and evil
dark wolf - The tall dark wolf
Darman - A wolf with a rather fiendish streak. A thing for the goth look despite his energetic personality.
Darman Arya - A wolf with a rather fiendish streak. A thing for the goth look despite his energetic personality.
Darqie - Darling Mist-Horse
Darynn - The Sometimes Feral Dire Wolf
Dasher - The raindeer all covered in snow
Dastan - eternally twisting the sands of fate...
Dat - Sergal
Dauven - I'm a mouse. Don't hurt me. :x
Davy Jones - Tentacle Beast fo the deeps
Dawn - An orangish Doe
Dea - A little flying fox.
Deacon - Demon
deaf -
Dean - Otter
Dearbhail - Prepare your milk. Prepare your iron. Shy from the low stone wall.
decopage - a wolf
Deggis - Twin-tailed "male" fox herm
Dehmier - Giant solumn bear
Dekotore - Snow leopard.
Dekotoré Mk. II - Snow leopard.
Dekri - Satyr Shemale
Delain - Giggly elf
Demarcus Bad - Doberman. Sort of an asshole.
Demetrius - An 8' tall well built anthro male white tiger.
Demetri - white tiger
Demi -
Demnis - The huggable coon
DemonDragon - Big black and red dragon
Demon Skyrunner - See Oni Sorasousha
Denahi Lahirah - A young Sharkgirl, looking fairly young. At least her teens.
Dera'na - Moo
Derek - -poke!-
Deringer - He's a hoot! ~wip~
Derraie - Damnit, what happend to dragons being unique?!
Description Police - Defenders of the Tub: Keeping the community informed.
Desdemona - Devil-woman.
Desiree - Shemale Doberman, Head of Security at Tremont Trading Corp.
Desmond - Quite literally the man of your dreams
Devlov - Im your answer to a rag doll
Dezzie - Desiree Richards, Dobie 'Girl'
Dhamizad - A white punky wolf with piercings
Dialago - Zylo's WORSE half
Diana - Hermaphrodite Black Tiger *Updated*
Diana Chu~ - Just a raichu gal n.n
Dicky - 19 year old pony boy
Dido - A Fallen Angel
Diego - Caution!
Dietriche Kassonovski - A lanky male, chain-smoking lemur with a penchant for Military History and Military uniforms.
Di - Kitteh! <3
Dill - Female armadillo
Dina - Southern White Rhinoceros
Dingo - Your average dingo? Male
Dirge - Orca Boi Crossbreed
Dirk, just Dirk - odd mix between mouse and primape
Disco - is a bird dragon thing!
Disco 2.0 - I came back does anyone even come here anymore
Dizzy - Antro female kitty, small and slender, shy but playful
DJ Deej - Jackal
Dmitri - Light blue raptor!
Dmitry - Snow leopard.
Doc - A robotic biological mad scientist
Dog - One fine day, with a woof but no purr..
Dominatus - Brown furred Hyena, wants to make friends! :D
Dominik - Celtic Clydesdale
Donna - 300ft bunny girl
Doppler - Teen wolf/tiger hybrid with a slight diffrence
Dorain - Do what you want 'cause a... heeeey, wait a minute.
Doran - The Wanderer
Doriko - Amethyst Dragon boi
Doting - Purple and Black Kitty-Boi of Blushfulness
dovaskut - new
dr.eggman - evil scientest
Dr.Fox - the greatest scientific mind in the universe!
Dr.Wednesday - Shemale vixen augmentationist, mad scientist and sex addict.
Draccy - Black and white dragon looking for fun and a good time.
Draccy 2.0 - The real profile for Draccy
Draco - A male Dragon with an exceptionally well built body.
Dracon - A tall white and black striped dragoness of sexy fun!
DracoPuma - Very playful herm dragoness/Puma hybrid
Dracos Blackwing - Shapechanging Paragon Dragon
DracoZera - Massive gold dragon ready to have some fun.
DraftMare - Big, curvy, stout dappled grey draft mare.
Drago - A large black dragon of a few words
Dragonair - A shiny vagboy dragonair.
dragoness - a playfull dragon that can change size and shape when she wants to
Drahor - Half stallion, Half Dragon lots of Randomness (good with random magic spells)
drake - a sex crazed dragon
Drake - small, subby lizard pet
drakkon - large wiry male anthro wolf
Drako Claw - Tabby-Mewtwo-Dragon Hybrid kitten...
Draven -
Dray - Red-scaled Dragon thing.
Drea - A short, playful otter girl
Dresden - A demon five- tail black and orange fox with eyes of fire and brimstone
Drew - The Femboi Skulf ((WIP))
Drezz - Give that cold shoulder, you know you cant hold her.
Drhoz - Long green, serpentinebodied, green-furred seawolf
Drifth - a young tauren boy, friendly and shy. always up for some fun ^^
DrNatsu - The Fatherly Tanuki (Raccoon-Dog) Scientist
Dr Bored - He's a Doctor. Boredology. PhD.
Dude - Laid back Surfer cat.
Dulca Thia - Bioengineered dinoblend, athletic female ...clever girl.
Dusk - the son of Pure an Seadres
Dusty - A brownish red fur bear
Dustypup - Im sexy and i know it
Dusty McK. - Behold, the second (apparently) Dusty.
Dyna - Tigress
Dyno -
E.Hyde - Bipedal manticore with a love of pipe tobacco.
Ebon - The Alien Symbiote *(Updated 12/10/09)*
Ebony Silverclaw - Snuggly male Shadow wolf.
Echo - Echo
Echo B - Echo_the_Bunnyman
Eclipse - the lunar wolf
Eddie - Sharkbait
EddyTeach - The Scurvy Dog himself
Edward Halstead IV - Regal and randy.
Effyuna - Well-rounded individual
Efrath - A blue dragon dude!
Eiana - 18/f/Werewolf Hybrid
Eirene - Water Nymph and daughter of Shellycoat
Elan - Calm, quiet leopard.
Elanore - Bi Husky gal
Eleanor - Ms. Kingston
Electra - A female Pikachu with a mischievous streak
Electrick - Your average yellow, energetic, Lapine.
Elemmire - Wee little bandicoot
Elf Maiden - Quiet elven woman
Elian - Genderfluid Alicorn
Elias - Lion
Elisar - Just this goat, you know?
Elise - Red Panda lemur hybrid ^^
Eli - Therion!
Ella - A human with bunny ears! Now comes with pictures!
Ellenor - The Little Black Mousie
Ellie - Boom.
Elorin - Polar Bear
Elysia - A unicorn girl
Emanuel Ruiz - South of the border coyote
Emily - Sexy female cow with over exagerated features :)
Emma Warsong - A lovely brown spotted cow
Emrylld - An Emerald Feminine Naga
Ena - Hyena/Bat hybrid; Herm.
Enavi - A shy, curious, dark faerie (Eh-nah-vee)
Enavi 2.0 - a dark faerie (forgot the dang password for the original)
Ender - Ender, the Xenocide
Eoul - Calm, friendly and alien
Eponine Poison Priestess - A Beautiful Priestess of Poison in the form of a Naga
Equinis - Brown Male Horse, 6' 5"
Erebus - A winged black panther...
Eres - Abyssinian cat.
Erie - Texan 'gator.
Erik - A bat-like man-beast, a heavy W.I.P.
Erin - A pony. NO NOT THAT KIND. twinky, leggy 'str8 boy' male.
Eris - The mare of discord.
Erma - Grr~~
Eros - The unicorn!
Erowid - The wild hearted
Erris - Squea~k
Eseld - Sweet little Mountain Goat girl
Eshuda - a tri tailed black an white huskey with peircing blue eyes an stands about 5'10
Esteri Kielo - Three tailed vixen.
Esuna - A fox with 1000 emotions.
Etienne Burel - Dat fat white gatah. C'mon say hello, chere.
Etna - A female clouded leopard (Updated 7/12/13)
Euphrosyne - Woof!
Evangeline - 'Heaven's little angel'... Yeah Right.
Everlurche - THE LURK BEAST ...no relation to Lag Beast
Evette - Golden Poodle
Evih - A herm white lioness with the power to shapeshift.
Experiment7591(Ecks) - Polymorphic fluidic lifeform of hedonistic fun!
Explorer Wally - Curious Alien Boy
Expo - Experimental Silver Eevee
Ezey - Cross your legs and lock your lips
Ezza - Giraffe girl! Hell yeah~
Faelan - Anthro-black wolf
Faith - Keeper of Truth and Free Will
Fakhri - Woman of three forms: Human, Gorgon and Beast
Falcon Dean - blonde and white wolf aka Vio-Jade
Fandres - Thylacine
Fang - a 6'3 wearwolf who always carries twin red bladed swords when human
fantasy dragon - big dark redish dragon that is fun to be with
Faolan - A black-haired female bhorchlean
Faran - Slender Panther
Farina - Chocodeer
Fastard - The fennec bastard
Fate - A gorrila that iz red an has the element of earth
Fatigue - Just your average Kickboxin' roogirl.
Faustus - A dandy little Kinder goat.
Fayt - Red Fox; Male; Bi
Fay Lalty - (Gone)
Feather Bunni - Cute brown rabbit girl with wings
Fei Zhao - Noodle dragon.
feldacks - An Alt of kinskie's
Felinix - The friendly herm.
Felix - A black cat with a taste for mischief.
Felix the skunk - Descented skunk!
Fel - Shy bunny gal with a big bottom?
Fenn - Anaconda-like Lamia
Fenrir\Crovus - Foxtaur/feral wolf
Fenrir & Crovus - New desc since I fucked up my old one XD.... SORRY!
Fenris - Light grey fox-taur / friendly and affectionate
Feoan - ~~The Unicorn. Wild.~~~
Ferahgo - Lovable Canadian Wuff :3
Ferdinand - Massive, friendly, brown bull
Ferkeen - A peppered gray kitsune with silver tails
Ferragonna - the purple dragon with tiny wings
Feruzi - Bearded gazelle
Fex (Fexious Fox) -
FF - See FriskyFox
Field T. Mouse - Male harvest mouse.
Fieron - Heart Crazed dragon
Findari - Everyones favorite draggie guy
Fink - A lithe Arabian Stallion, 5'11 and with blue-green-grey-brown eyes. Long almost black mane.
Fiona - Proud Lioness of the Plains
FionaWhiteBunny - A 4 breasted shemale anthro bunny
Fiona Glee - Plump Shemale Tigress~
Fir - Red dragon of the Tigris River
flame - fun lovin werewolf up for enything
Flare - Hot Blaziken. Emphasis on Hot. <3
Flora - Fluffy little feral red panda pet
flower -
Flowy - This thing is actually 'Maxxie' Since folks are all like 'Are you new?'
Fluffy - It has fur. That has to count for something.
Flying Monkey - A flying monkey, powerfully built ,remeniscent of those of OZ,
Forrest - Ello
Forte - SQUEAK!
Foudre la Fonte - Foudre-Aviaire la Fonte, to be exact. A large black Fresian horse of a different feather.
Foxx Zenovka - Charming and feminine red fox
Frae - bloop
Francios le Clerc - First mate aboard The Ocean's Executioner
Frankie - Little bit chubby, little bit sassy, lotta bit skunky
Freedrick Bat - Just a little 'fruity' bat. . .
Freezy - Busty snake/insect hybrid herm.
Freki - Dragoness
Freya - Shy, but playful Arctic Fox
Frigg - The witch
FriskyFox - Generic blue foxxie, also known as FF
Frost - A sergal; visionary and writer. A bit dull to some.
FrostDemn - Feline aspiring artist
Frostfox - Fox, grey slim with cybernetic compoenets.
Frye - Heavy-set Brown Bear
Fuchsia - a rather vivid reptile
Fuma Elo - Wayfaring Togruta. If you are on friendly terms with her, call her Elo, not Fuma~
Fume - A donkey!
Fuss - a shy fussy bunny
Fussy - Onta/Monty type dragon male with maroonish purple scales.
Fyfe - Gray spotted lynx (M)
Fyre - Animorphic Prefering Cat form
Félix the Skunk - Descented skunk!
Gabby Vegas - The sometimes shy girl
Gabriella - Gabe..Coyote Wolf with wings
Gabrielle - Spotted hyena
Gabriel Bowman - "The Sage Man", a werewolf formerly or sometimes known as Beastius
Gajor - The mutt lizard!
Galah - Rose-Breasted Cockatoo
Galena - Pudgy Blue Triceratops
Gali - Light Blue Lizard Gal!
Galvin - A red dragon
Garaux - as you rise like the phoenix to fly...
Gareg - A muscular wolf who's always ready for a good yiff
Gareth - Cat bat o.o
Gargomon - The chubby gunbunny
Garia - Dolphin of the sea
GaruNinja - A ninja on a beaten path to find the truth.
Gat - An Otter of the Amazing Variety
Gato -
Gear - German Shepard
Gearran - Shapeshifting Muse!
Geera - Jet black orange stripped weight lifting body build tiger
Gel - A gelitan panda whom can change his/her gender (And form) at will.
Gemfrost - Hello there~
GemGem - Gremlin
Gemini - Herm Goo-girl shapeshifter
Gen.Eizfren - an old veteran Fox
Genaimon - Child of Dark Guilmon and Renamon
Genesis - Or Gen. That's cool too~
Gene pool - an alt list
Gen - Femboi Lynx~ Goes by Genesis or Gen, mostly~
Gerbil - A normal-sized gerbil wearing a coolie hat
Gersemi - tigress
Gharian - A big gator-like thing of some size and merit.
Giddy -
Gigi the Gremlin -
Gill - Goo guy!
Gina - Gator girl
Ginny - Sassy little papillon
Gin - Orental like Citra [still being updated with info on his species]
Gizwilk - Goblin rogue gal~
Gloragl -
Glory -
Glyyb - The fuck was that?
Godzilla - Gojira - Godzilla/Gojira King of monstars
Goldeneye - White furred Chakitty
Gorin - Friendly Eastern Dragon
Gozebelith - a little bit of evil... Call her Z'bel.
Grace - Little Human Girl
Graffiti~ - A cheshire cat of much oddness! She may also go by Zappy
Graff¡t¡~ - Cheshire Cat with an ass ton of oddity.
Grandan - Wolverine
Grand & Lilt - Demon twins: shapeshifting succubus and incubus with a mental link.
Grand Galactic - IGNORE ME!
Graye - Adam
Grazi - Yes, I am a rabbit...
Green Arrow - A billionaire and a former playboy turned vigilante archer.
Gregori - A big russian blue fatcat.
Greg Cole - Giant teddy Bear
Gretchen - Winged Snowleopard. A bit bookish, but lovable. A touch curious....
Grey - Black Dragonness
Griffith - A Griffin with lots of spunk
Grim - Goofy 'yote :D
Grimm - The Grimm
groovingtony - dragon
GroveAx - The Absent-Minded Night Elf
Guadalupe - The Most Interesting Bitch in the World
Guest216 - Another mask...
Guiette - Or Guy, for short. Guiette St.Cyr, for long. Best read the description.
Guilt -
Guinevere - Rogue knight
Guinnein - A kelpie
Gula - The gluttonous
Gul - Gul'Trekis Qeelak'Marfedelom
Gullveig - Giant.
Guri no Taizen - Former Demonic Gryphon, now just your run of the mill Macro Herm Snow Gryphon
Gven - The Follower
Haby - KittyDragon!
Hachiko - A perky Inugirl who is friends with Riot.
Haex - Artiodactyla Therianthrope(lower body/cloven hooves)
Halcyon - Charizard
Hali - a male Skitty
Hamham - A short chibi tan and white hamster!
Hamsa Devadasi - Married to the gods, a white indian shrine devadasi
Hank - the hung tinkerer
Hannibal - Mad Scientist and residential fire-starter.
Hanrei - ^,.,^
Harl - Tall graceful black kitsune
Harvey - Gentleman bunny
hasku - Is a kind and happy white fox
Hatchling Cinox - :3
hatredsonly - Cabbit with an attitude problem.
Havoc - plz ignore...
Hawk - null
Hazmoon - a Grey Racoon male blue eyes
Hazz - Green Lizard of Generic Brand
Heather - Living latex girl
Heathor - Udderly Endowed Moo-cow.
Hector - Rawr~
Heila - Moogle!
Helena - Shy wallflower of a ferret girl.
Hell - A Harpy which looks to be the pinnacle of Bird of Prey breeding.
Hellen - a human on the run
Hellionmiat - The Great Dragon who rules the empire within his own mind
Hellix - Is a fangor, a very agressive neko...with a naga alt >:) _Looking for a mistriss_
Hera Darkstone - Big sexy digigal (PIC LINK AVA NOW!)
Hercules - Fat Bunny
Heru-Ha - Falcon entity
Hex - A witchy sort of mouse-person, infinitely curious but also adorably forgetful. Completely androgynous, chooses gender at will. Often dresses in just a hoodie and panties/boxers.
Hextor - A naughty Lucario
Hezria - The ice-white succubi
Hisakata - A shy red kitten.
Hish - Not all monsters under the bed are lies..
Hoenheim - He's a lion!
Hollow aka Belegast - Warlock from a far off land
Holly - Malissa's Herm pet
Holly Ginger - Nut jokes abound...
Hopz - Bisexual bunny boi
horny coon - Male Racoon who loves to snuggle.
Hoss - A very large and very studly stallion
Hotoh - Celestial Bear
Howell -
Howell 2.0 - Bear, new and improved
Hseo - Motherly Pandaren Shemale
Hudson - Tasmanian tiger.
Hunter aka Blueberry - Aquatic Hybrid [Blue Fox/Water Eastern Dragon]
Huu - Who is Huu? Candy can help you.
Hyde - Just a little squabbit guy.
Hyena - White striped hyena boy! Has a purple mane and loves snugs :3
Hyland - Hard working Friesian
Hyram - Sivatherium male.
Hyrubi - the Tub's resident deser elf.
Ides - Friendly Opossum Girl =^_^=
Idwal - Mind the wall!
Ieshia Nicheal - A Water Spirit
Ignus - The lickin' toad
Iletiax - The sea siren
Illyandria - yip!
Ilsa Ironwulf - The Black Muscle Wolf
Imazadi - Humanoid centaur
Inai Nosu Hairu -
Inali Shorkai - Cheetah Fox Hybrid (Description will be fine-tuned. Just filler)
Ingiss - Shemale Fantasy Knight
Ingrid - Frail deer-woman.
Ink - A sharp outfit and sharper smile
Inny - Smallish Green Dragon, big pointy ears, generally squeaky and bouncing and not averse to some fun.
Inquis - Snowleopardess (Reworking - WIP)
Inukshuk - Im a buck
InuStarlight - The Purple Wolf
Iriel - Hermy Aztecean Elf
Iris - Succubus Mouse. Ascyllia's daughter
Iris Ben - Stacked Husky Gal!
Irvine - Young breeding pony in training
Isaac - Older brother to Xander
Isas Streea -
IsisG - 'Ey!
Iskandir - Southernlands Sergal - Desert Trader
Israel - Desert Hare with some inner demons
Ita - Amazonian Demon
Ithel\Ithel Black - a snarky dragon herm
Itzal - The ender
Ivan the not so Terrible - Been a while~
Ivy - Slender drow...
Ixbran=User\Chara:Brian - I am a Chimera. Human form with prehensail tail, simaler to a spider monkey. and Feathers Growing out of the lining in my hair
Izzi - A Sexy Wolfess
J.J. - a mysterious cloaked figure
J.P Wolfbane - A black wolf
JAB - An intelectual, romantic coyote with his head in the clouds...
Jacent - Sweet, fun Cheetah-Snowkitty boi
Jackal - Don't let the name fool ya, he's a dragon!
Jack - Black, short-haired, long-eared, dominant, stoner, poet, bunny guy
Jackie - Zeppelin piloting lizard lass
jacklen - a jackal girl
Jacklynn Bailey - aka Jacky the Possum gal.
Jacksonville - Blame my dad, he loves the Jaguars.
Jack Dubois - A tiger-bunny
Jacon - a male raccolf read on to find out what that is
Jacqueline - See Applejack
Jade - Just your run o' the mill black and white house cat.
Jahani - LGW
Jaime - Human chick - There is a great deal of skill centered in her hands.
Jak - A white and grey bunny boy, easily excited (in more ways than one).
Jake - The Austrailian Import
Jake Wolfbane - A black wolf
Jakkob - Effeminite Incubi
Jakob - Athletic Rotweiler Boy
James - Anthro mew
James Swift - Sleek, wingless Turquoise Dragon...
Jannie - Curvy Wolf girl~
janus - love me?
Janus - The celesti
Jared - Jaga's male alter ego
Jaron - Black panther
Jasmine - Cute little vixen
Jasmine Cravens - Bengal feline with a touch of 'tude.
Jasmin Inziya - The tub's new tabby cat
Jason - Demonic Bunny Boi
Jata - Canine of the Himalayas
Jayce - Tauric Dragonkin
JayDizzle04 - A scuffy looking, male Raccoon...slightly open to suggestion.
Jayd - Multi-colored femmy lil skunkeh
Jay - read
Jeanette Collins - Odd lil hybrid
Jedic - Wolf.
Jeffrey - African Elephant Entrepeneur
Jeggred - Pretty, Masculine Polar Bear
jellox - shapeshifter true form unknown
Jemma - Sea Angel
Jen -
Jenesis - Dragon boi
Jenifer - Is a naga, a naga with a Charisma of 200(red type naga, green type human)
Jenn - A snowy bunny
Jenni Araco - Cream Coloured Bunny
Jens - Tan-and-cream rat guy.
Jeph - silent, shapely blue bunny boy <3
Jered Cain - Your average Maine Coon anthro.
Jeremy - Batmunk O-o
Jericho - Boomslang
jerith - happy/ crazy wolf chef
Jessica - Yellow lab girl
Jessie - Shark gal of unstable size
Jess - Jessica bunny
Jessy - Mutt's need Lovin' Too! :3 <3
Jesus - Lamb of God
Jet - Raccoon
Jet Cheetah - Used to be here...
Jian -
Jinn - A teenaged wolf boy with short, black messy hair and yellow gleaming bright eyes . He also has the power to control grass and plants.
Jinx - im just a half wolf shape shifter
Jinxy - Bi-colored Espeon. 2' 7
Jin Tonic - Hyper-active puppy-girl...?
Jisei - Witticisms abound.
Jizzelle - Bonjour!
Johnny - A
Jojia - Say hello to my little friend
Jojyy - A Friendly Nekomimi (Updated 3.10.15)
Joka - A very large black snake
Joker Wolf - HA HA HA!
Jonathan jones - red haired human
Jordan - Otter!
Jorli - A small human, most of the time.
Jorunnr - Keeper of horses
Josephine - Come Josephine in my flying machine
joshielove - A big ole' orange tabby boi :-)
Josi - A pretty little squirrel monkey with a sweet personality
Joy - WIDE bottomed gecko girl~
JT - Cozy wolfy
Juice - Kinda sus
jukai - nithinian[ask for details]
Juko - The simple loving brother of Syni
Julian - A Panther of many talents, tricks and tales.
Julie - A lamb girl
June Bunny! - Albino Bunny
Juniper Lavendel - Shelby's brother, a Fenorgi (Fennec/Corgi)
Juno -
Kabi - Hiya~!
Kacey - Purple-and-Yellow 'Roo gal.
Kaelisira - Inevitable.
Kaffee - The milf polar bear that doesnt have kids...
Kai-Jin - Wonderous little creature of enormous complexity
Kailani - Ice Cream Loving Blue Panda
Kail Fysyfil - A Bountiful 3 Tailed Kitsune
Kainashi - Worthless
Kain - Bland Gray Fox
Kaine Parker - Rough looking human male
Kaisa - Snow Phoenix
Kai Okana - Gecko Raptor
Kal - Cheerful White Rabbit, can be male or female
Kalebor - Black-scaled, red-eyed cobra anthro
Kalen - Your friendly neighbourhood bear
Kales - Sumtran Tiger Scavenger.
Kali - Enderwoman
Kalin - vampire/shapeshifter.
Kallan - The Tub's Eternal water
Kalmbach - Snow leopard, naval officer, and a few other things. NOW TRANSFERRED.
Kaltren - Kal the bunny, eight years later.
Kalu - Small fluffy critter who loves tickles and hugs
Kaluuna - Draenei Shemale
Kamilah Blackheart - Demonic Pirate Captain
Kami -
Kane - Otter.
Kangee - Big bird. Caw.
Kantero - Lonely little two tailed squirrlie, Loveable and goofy , yet distant and quiet at times.
Kanti - female aardwolf
Karas - a 10ft. tall well built lion
Kara aka Supergirl - The blonde with brawn
Karen - Eat More Beef
Karigan - A Quiet, watching Red Wolf
Karpet - Blue Male Anthro Fox .
Karsh - Bitter and cold, this shark remains a fighter despite the end of his days as a gladiator.
Kar - Show me the Kar-facts!
Kasah - Hiss.
Kashara - Midnight black vampire cat
Kashira - Anime Mosquito girl
Kasii - MLP - Anthro
Kasi Yuki - Kasi Yuki, The white feline of the arcane arts
kast - a short wolf with mostly light grey fur save his muzzle and tail. His eyes are two colors one blue and one brown
Katanya - Tawny-Colored Tigress
Katherine - I'm a cat. Meow.
Kathlynne - Human with Hypnosis powers
Katie - A fluffy tailed white catgirl
KatieKat - A lonley catboy with a girls name, full of love and life, desperate for adventure.
Katla - Black and Red Kitsune
Kat - Large rumped Cougar herm :D (who likes that smiley lots!!!)
Katniss - The cactus!
Kato -
Katrina Ferhn - A rather mysterious Wolf.
Katty - female cat-taur
Kattz - Green Feline
Katyl - A gray wolf
Kawa - 3 foot tall otter girl, twin to Agwe
Kayciance - Cardinal / Fox [Female]
Kayla - Black Panther/Shapeshifter
Kay - The beasty formerly known as Kraken~
Kayton - A fluffy tailed white catboy
Kazdra - A shy dragon/wolfess
Kaze - Leucistic Python
Kaz - The Human The Fox/Umbreon The Serval
Keara -
Keeley - Mousegirl
Keeley G. - Giraffe
Keelin - Irish Siberian tiger.
Keene - Ad Augusta Per Angusta
Keezku Fox - 5'11
Keheer - Multiform dragon thingy!
Keiko - A bashfull hermy rabbit and shapeshifter.
Keila - It's on the loose!
Keina - The woodland keeper
Keith - An Okapi
Kelly - Hermy Doggy!
Kelnia - Undying madness
Kemi Moonwall - UPDATED: NOV. 11, 2010
Kengo - A laid-back lion dude
Kenichi - Red birdie
Ken - Large Canadian Brown Bear
Kenraiel - Howdy
Kent - A rather shy at times, hyper at others Husky
Kento - Your average blue Werewolf
Kerlarel - Basic every day echidna..right? Maybe.
Kero - is a female Ferrachu[ 50% Ferret, 50% Pikachu], cute, cuddly, rawr :3
Kerri - Evil Fairy
Kevie - Australian Feather Weight Champion!
Kevurra - A lovely grey felitaur, gazing about with curiosity.
Khana - Panda Herms, Breastfeeding, and Cocks, oh my!
Khan - no trekkie jokes, please
Kha Tsah'ran - A giant tiger shark, and a crew member of the Ocean's Executioner.
Khenni - female maine coon [CHARACTER OVERHAUL: Jan. 2012]
Kiarra - A passing shadow, a visiting Raven.
Kiasax - A Spectacled Bear! The red kind!
Kiasyd -
Kibbles - Chocolate and Cream furred Wolf [2013 Update]
Kick Wolf - A male, artic wolf with red eyes, white fur. 6'2, 245 lbs.
Kijokingi Nywele - Swahili for 'Hair of many little snakes'...
Kijo Nemutai - Fallen Cellestian. Ohnoes *gasp*
kiki - A simple moutain sheep
Kilee - Can only be seen if you've seen death,or,if I want you to.
Kilick N112 - A lone Spartan wolf in Mjolnir armor
Kilkila - An Albino Otter Girl
Kimbal - Calico cat man.
Kina - Little weasel Girl. She´s a little shy but warms up quickly.
King - An 8 foot tall bengal tiger
Kingdrin - Dragon/Tiger , male
King Linarunia - Perverse King of Dullahans
King the German Shep - King German Shepherd
KinkyExVeemon - Teh Digimon.
Kinomi Yumora - A koi mermaid - Updated May 25, 2010
Kinskie - Updated 2/6/17
Kinsmir - Werewolf and vampire mix
Kinzo - Hyper Male black-red Wolf
Kipha - Purple kitty fairly of Ultra cuteness
Kip Aric - Cap'n Stoat.
Kirara - sexxy vixen-anthro
Kira - the lil bit half fox
Kirema - Tiger, Fox, Wolf combination creature
Kiro - A quiet, watchful tri-tail fox.
Kita - A quiet, watchful tri-tail vixen.
Kitah - A hermaphrodite ninja with a penchant for vore.
Kite Maronu - A rouge jedi
Kitsu - A small and shy artic fox.
Kitsuki - The fox/wolf/bat creature
kittenfae - tiny pinkish kitten with purple and orange faerie wings
Kitten - female cat
Kitten Faerie - pink and purple kitten with blueish faerie wings
KittyKat - A pretty kitty, fun-loving and kind.
Kitty Kira - a golden brown anthro kitty A.K.A Camel Toe Cat
Kiye - screee~
Kiyoko - K-02 Android Jackal
Kiyomi - A japanese snow leopard neko.
Kiyone - Tom boy at heart. Wolf trainer at will
Kiyoti - A lone mutt
Klara - Timid Mage Wolf Girl
Klaus Herrman - A German Bald-Eagle Soldier type. Third Reich Esque. Not a nazi so don't get butthurt.
Klaya - the Yinglet
Knazarath - 8'4
Knox - The Husky From The Small Hill
Kobatta - Redhair, female, mischeivous, part human, part robot.
Kobayen - Animeish human halfbot
Koenig - A German stag.
Koge - Just a chill hybrid who seeks out fun.
Korbon - Dalmation Thing
KoryKorona - A black dracorexraptor shape/gendershifter
Kota - An angelic wolf angel with six wings.
Kotaro - Foxboi God.
Kouji - a Hyena/Dragon hybrid.
Krae - Confused alien
Kraven Lupei - Some lazy blueberry hyena.
Kreiprath -
Krel - Toucan
Kria - A naughty and playful Sergal~
Krissy - Bunneh!
Kross - Psycho Wanderer
Kruger - An straight anthromorphic tiger.
Krystin Webb -
Królik - a nice little fuckable bunny ^^
ktm - submissive hybrid who enjoys making new friends
Kupok - The Premier e-Famous Moogle Extrodinare
Kuri&Chestnut - the hamster!
Kuriko1 - A sexy young cowgirl, looking for friends and fun...
kuripeke - a male thylacine (aka tasmanian tiger)
Kutiel - blub
Kutorin - necromantic kitsune
Kyan - White kitty cat with feminine like frame, very slender.
Kya Swift - Thomson's Gazelle
Kyew - Yes, like the letter. Now shut up.
Kylen RoseWood - A male Umbreon-Ninetales Hybrid with gold rings.
Kyliala - Half dead snakeress
Kylie - Orca Girl
Kyoufuu - Neko Miko girl.
laban - bubble otter!
Lab Rat - Why look over there! A herm rat with shapely hips!
Lace - Dragony Thing
Lacerta - leezard
Lacy - Scot Croc on the block
Lady - Well hi there~
LagBeast - Tiny beast of teh lag
Laiken - A female Daemon
Lance - The partyboi coon! :3
Lane - An 8 foot tall dragon
Lani - Blonde ottery otter
Lanus White - Draenei Warrior
Lars - A bit big for his britches.
Laryxander - A White Tiger
Layla Mayr - Ghosty Gengar~
Layne - Female Lynx for short
Lazarus - (Complicated) Red-tailed hawk
Leah Leopard - Leopardess with 6tits, a 4ft. tailcock, short blond hair.
Leela - Unusually Colored Corgi
Leese - Leese the Lombax. Inventor at large.
Leezra - Green and black lizard with special natural ribbings
Leigh - An average black feline
Leila - A dragon with both male and female bits
Lein - The Divine leech
Leizi - An adorable Kirin who is ready to zap things!
Lena - She's your vampire girl.
Lenlana - The healing Colossi
leomon - A digimon
Leona - Troublesome shapeshifter Feline
Leon - Large, male, white lion; usually wears armor.
LeonLiger - Just your average 12 foot loincloth wearing liger...
Leo King - 8 ft. tall lion
Leslie - Wuff~<3
Les - Myrow
Leuphe - Large, Male, blue gryphon
Levin - Big Blue Dragon.
Levyn - See Levin, Though a herm instead!
Lex - Hermaphrodite, Alien, Dragon.
Lexi - Just a mousey girl with white fur....
Leya - Cute little female dragon
Lez - the voluptuous herm lamia
Lieucyan - Short? I'm pretty tall though, for a cat.
Lieu - Maltese feline
liger - stocky lion with head of tiger
Li - Golem maid
Lijah Tenebaume - A human girl with dreams~
Lil'Pie - Tiny Psychotic Succubus
Liliana -
Lilith - Little calico girl~
Lilith Halothane - *updated 12/05/2013*
Lillian - Lilli for short- Fennec Fox
Lillian Joy Pinkerton - A quiet vixen
Lillith - Demon
Lill -
Lilly - A very shy but naughty little fairy.
Lilly the Fallen - A fallen angel with a soft heart... Usually... And endless appetite.
Lily - A 18 year old neko
Lilyth - anthro, black panther
Lily Rin -
Linda - Last name Natodd
Lind - A playfull green kitty boy prince from a desert kingdom far far away
Link - The Deer Prince (NOT the Hero of Time)
Linnaeus - A wandering wolf, long-time visitor to the tub.
Lir - Selkie
Lisa Nightwind - See who i am
Lispera - happy squirrelgirl
Lith-o - A Jell-o version of Lith!
Lithe - The slender slenderwoman
Lith - Lazy, black-furred kitty boy.
littlegirl - Vampire, yo.
LittleStar - A living glinting bunbun
Little Helper - Female Satyr... has a few minor issues to work out before she is completley socially functional.
Lizzy Briars - Three for one! What a deal! ^_^
Loake -
Locha - Lycan who has her dark needs
Lochesh - A blind, male Northern Sergal
Loch - The General
Lock - An amima rabbit which is nocturnal and endangered and hails from the island of Ryukyu, Japan.
Locke - Sorta shy but friendly coyote
Lockhart - A red deer with a gentleman courtesy.
Locz - Male Jaguar
Loea Ehsoree - Sangheili, Alien
Lohikaarme - Feral Dragon
Loki-Cat - Conflicted cat girl, black ears and tail, sometimes black fur too. Black hair with red streaks.
Loki - Smooth rogue of a chimera, clad in nomadic clothes and conglamerate of piercings.
Loki (Croc) - Big, burly crocodile.
Lolana - the little husky lola
Lonas - Pardu
LondonLounge - A fine place to be, any time of day or night.
LonelyPup -
Lonesarr - Ash colored Fox, Escaped Criminal
Lone Wolf - A nice soft Timber wolf
lookielou - I see you
Lopez - Fiery foxgirl of Latino heritage.
LordWaffles - *monocle*
Lord Ra - Emperor of the underworld, Anubian Jackal God.
Lorelei - Firy haired Siren.
Loreleigh Kalinsky - A goat/hellhound boi with a rich feminine background.
Lori - A black bunny girl who loves to cuddle....and more.
Loribelle - Jackalope
Lorne - One of the few humans in the tub.
Lothaen - Blue dragon
Lotus - A Lovely Mismagius Ghost
Lotus Throne Room - Self proclaim KingQueen Shiloh's throne room
Loux Chalmondelay - Curvy near black gender shifting skunkette with a flair for vintage clothing^^
Lucero - He's a horse!
Lucet - Wish Giver
Lucia - Cheerful wolf girl
Lucious - He's a lucario!
Lucky - Pretty horseboi
Lucretia and Shinji - Vixen and Cheetah-girl extraordinaire
Lucus - A 6'1 black anthro husky
Lukas - Lion Boy!
Luke Mckenna - A tubby, hungry coyote who's sometimes an Arcanine.
Luki - Roar
Luna(akaSnickers) - Black Lop Eared Bunny
Lune - The gecko
Lupe\Lupina - y'know sometimes when you try to cage the beast, the beast gets horny
Lupin - (Journeying) Hetrosexual Male Grey Wolf
lupo the husky - Well there isnt much to tell, my name is lupo im a husky and easy going
Lush - Bunny! Sorta...
Lux - Chimera
Lyael - The hyper oppinionated tiger
Lyall - Strange curiosity from another place
Lybido - Black panther of shadow lust..
Lychee - Nerdy Femme Lemon Shark!
LydiaMink - Black/White Mink
Lyla - The new bovine on the block.
lyla - The quiet little lioness
Lyra -
Lyth - A pseudo-chimera (Gah, not Hydra!) twinsex geared in reverse.
Macine - A naughty girly horseboy! <3
Madeira Noire - A human woman of about 30 years that possesses a unique druidic talent for spirital animal shapeshifting.
Maeve - A doe. a deer. a female deer.
Magdalena - Moon Priestess - The White Raven (Well, really, she's a human)
Magelan -
Magilyra - Bound mimic
Maha -
Mahlina - White Dragoness
Maimon - Augmented Guilmon
Makaze - Gender Swapping Displacer Tiger
Mala -
Malan - The zebra 'witch'
Malika -
Malik - Roar<3
Malina - White Dragoness
Malinsine - Illithid "female"
Malissa - Human Scottish Druid
Mali - White Dragoness
Malkalypse - Tall silvery xenomorph
Mally the Cat - A tigress with a fondness for hair-dye, and a seeekrit
Malua - The Arachne
mamab - aka mamabliss, pr0n drawing kitty girl...
MamanGhede - Vivacious L'wha.
Mana - the derpy maus
Mandy - A sexy Furry who wants to find some fun, and friends.
Mango - Lemon Shark Nerd
Manirik - Dragon
Manna Silvermane - There's a new mare in town!
Mantiblan - From the islands, the black cat here to tell your fortune...
Manx - REDONE 10-1-09
Marcus - a anthro husky
MarcusNoble - Male skunk, black and white fur.
Marcy - Squeak~!
Marianna - Cheetah
Marie -
Marie Belle - A blue-haired bovine with a punk-streak.
Marie Reignir - Sister to Caitlin
Marina - Fun-loving Lagomorph
Mariposa - Mouse
Mariya - A pale girl with skunk ears and a bushy tail. Spirit of the herb.
Mar - Just a fun loving otter
Mark - Another white mouse boy
Markon - A black, male panther who likes some fun....
Marlene - New slightly top heavy horse girl
Marle L.F. Grimm - A snow-kitsune with a sense of humor, and some odd tendencies.
mars - half breed bull and horse
MartinSteelhoof - A friendly stallion here
Masaji - Red Panda and one of three!
Masque LeJeanne - The greatest mask is not one at all
Master Thomas - A toned horse.
Mathias - a bull
Matilda - Oh dear.
matoaka - the female alpha werewolf
Matthew - A fun loving Demon Boy
Mattias - Male purple cat
Mavis - No no, you have to roll to hit dice BEFORE damage dice.
Maxine Gibson - Who's rad, who's bad, who's never been had?
Max - Maxxie,Maxwell,Little_Max
Maxxine - Demon feline
Maxx - Nightfury
Mayaahom - The Shy Lavender skunk
Mayham - a 6'7 gray anthro wolf
Mazoga - Orc Street Shaman
McKale - vampires aren't passe, Meyer just sucks @ writing them
Mead - Buzzz
Meaghan - Ice Elfane
Medi - An anthro cheetah who is a bit shy
Meek - The moth girl
MeepieSheep - Slutty, submissive sheepy raep toy.
Megan Powers - Human Traveler
Megido - The bull god.
meilang jian - Plump bubbly pandaren monk~
Meisareiiele - Out-of-control jungle doe! Still Kickin' 11-16
Meladric - Angelic scout
Melli - Kiss the Stoat!
Mell - The Scarred one
Melody - Young Arcanine
Menon Femme - An immensely busty black furred minotauress with white head hair
Mental - Purple Gel Girl! Mango Flavored!
Meretseger - Certainly no Goddess. ( Minor update, 6/15/12! )
Merina - A lost human....
Merina - A lost human....
Meta - Lean British Rabbit-girl. - Updated 20/02/11
Miakoda - Tinkering Rat
Miandira - Black and blue Shemale wolf!
Mianu - The battle kubrow
Michall - Large black lion, pressumably
Miche - Long earred lop bunneh and volumptious!
Midnight - a black doberman with red eyes that is king of the underworld and has shadow powers
midnight - see pure midnight
Midori and Cherries - Mac <3
Miguel - a living battering ram
Mikael - A little kitty boy with a magic hat
mika kyofu - mika_kyofu
Mike - Mellow anteater
Mikki - Ferrety goodness~
Milan - Tiger Male
Milia - Minotaur!
Millie - Salamander Tomboy
Mill - The minion
Milo - Canine maid for hire, do you need servicing?
Milorde - Milo, the Lynx/Ram Cross. Overconfident, narcissistic, a bit of a womanizer, but an underlying heart of gold.
Mimi - mimic
Minali 'Fish catcher' - Biiiiiig orca lass
Minaush - The mushroom Fae
Mini-Mei - Mouse Deer
Minkis - -Mouseboy
Minnares - Vacationing Angel Elf!
Mint - Minnie 'Mint' Tarot
Mirabelle - Tentacle.... thing.
Mireh - the shadowy gargoyle
Mirina - ghostmaus
Mirli - A curvy be-horned roustabout!
Mir - read here silly :3
mirri - plan grey furred kitty boy
Mirth - *snicker*
Mirza - Mousey-boy :D
Misaou - Crossdressin Kinky Elfboi
Misha Frost -
Misha Rafie - Lazy Lab Rat
Mishi - Hooters not included
Mishka - The goblin!
Mishka and Mikhail - Organic Android
Mishra - A young sowlamander herm
Misora - The psychic Espeon-Fox hybrid.
Miss.Meg - Player. ohnoes...
Miss Eboshi - Albino Gryphon
Misteri - cute fluffy Xweetok
Mistral - Pale female dragon-lamia. Lady of the North Winds.
mistress -
Mitshiko - Chubby, blue, hermy dragon. Loves belly rubs.
Miu - Corgi
Mixed Mutt - Grey wolf/demon fear the spikey tail :P
Mizu Riley - Snakey Schoolgirl!
Mlen - A Zebra!
Mlezte - The Devouring Maid
Mojo - A harmless, sentient black raptor with skull marking and some feathers. Sorta fruity in the booty.
MollyMoo - A lusty, busty, shapeshifing cowgirl, always in need of a good milking....
Monica - A dark angel girl, with a slight shapeshifting ability
Monsuer Waffle - FRENCH!
Moo - Bovine Herm - Ask me about my milk!
Moon-Shade - A hermaphroditic Bear/Dragon cross breed
Moonie - the big cerberus.
Moonshard - Shy snow leopard.
Mordecai - Mostly black cat with a deadly calm and serious way about himself.
Mordecai Joren - A dire wolf bounty hunter
Morgana - A vampiress
Morgan - Chubby Dobie girl.
Mori - Arctic foxy
Morrigan - The lizard of war.
Morrow - An owlish sort of gryphon.
Morrowe - A female owl gryph
MotherMonster - Formless and Indefinite.
Mouseychan - Tiny purple mouse
Mrs Darling - Motherly Vixen~
Mudflap - Unfortunate Toon cat that lost her job after puberty kicked in.
Muffins - A shy looking poodleboi
Mugetsu - Old name, new face
Muggy - Cute Brown Bunny Boy~
MuleThunder - He's just this goat, y'know?
Mumoja - Moogle with a short fuse.
Mumo - Mysterious Black Mage..
Munky - A wolfess of questionable morals
Murlin - The Reticent Kinkajou
Murmillo -
Murphy - Black hare. Tall, dark... and maybe the other thing.
Murphy Finnegan - Orange/White husky who loves pouring alchol into his head
MuscleTiger - is a standing till of 7' 11", big ,strong and I'am a muscle bound tiger
Musei - Neko Oni
Mushie - a loving and caring mushroom
mutey - A calico cat
Myada - Dwarf Shemale
Mya -
Mycool - a demonic wolf with the supernatural powers of hellfire
Myogin - Goblin deamoness pirate
Myon - HOMG a Mix. Click and watch.
Myra - Shygal
Myriani -
myrrik - anthro paint stallion
Myst Tetsumi - the slutty reality bending she-bunny
N04H - Nieblhiem Industries Model 04-H
Naasir - Hyena anthro Femme Boy
Nadine - Curvaceous Yak-girl.
Nagira - Ssssomewhat ssserpentine. Just kidding, not that sibilant. The word 'duality' is germane here.
Nahemah - Cenobite.
Naia - The jiangshi
Naie - Penguin!
Naima Starfall - Shy, White Kitsune
Nakhash - Elder brother to Cecilia
Naklin - Tattooed Polar Bear
Nakora - ♥ภคк๏гค гє๔รtคг
She gotz Junk in front of her Trunk. :]

Nala - A new face to the tub
Nalyith - Fear. Not.
Namah 'Naga' Nurett -
Namari - The Moth
Nami - Kinda timid
Nami Price - a purple furred orange eyed otter girl
Namui - Curious white tiger
Nana - Jackal girl
Nanawolf - wolf girl
Naomi -
Narkiel - A male hetrosexual (<- open to persuaison) red fox.
Narume - A Wolf/Panther guy who's willing to Snuggle With Anybody
Nash - A studly horse man
Natalia - Amazonian Redhead
Natalie - The Blue Tigress
Natasha - <3
Nateu Yruna -
Nathaniel - wereleopard please read farther
Nathrae - Drow ambassador - redheaded lady with a notably vicious nature.
Nat - The smug wolf with attitude to spare.
Naught - heartless
Navarre - Fae!
Neat - A feral foxy with black and white fur, quite small but extremely fast!
Neeka Gecko - Gecko Powaaah
Nei -
Neko Rose - Goddess Between [Last Update: 14 Sept 08]
Nell - A Mystery inside an Enigma inside of a Mind
Nelphas - He used to be a man once...
Neltharion - Moved on
Nemean - Familiar stranger
Nemi - Two tailed raccoon dog - looking for fun
Nene - Interesting hermy dog thing.
Neon Reaven - Cyberpunk black and green wolf
Neo - The Pata is back~
Nereida - The shrimp nymph
Neriel - ^,..,^
Nerissa - Old one
Nero - Tall strong zebra
Nevet - Female Ocelot 25/f
Neve (Neh-vee) - An Escapee from D&D
Nezgi - The half goblin!
Nichlas Noltan - Whie wolf male. usually shy.
Nicholaus - He's pretty chill.
Nick - Updated <3 ~ Hope you enjoy ;P
Nicolau - Huhuhu~ Rawr an' stuff~
Niedric - A fennec fox...
Niell - Quarian
NightFire -
Night - Large herm blue jay
Nightmuse - Sleek, black furred Chakat! Curious and playful..maybe a little devious ;3
nightterror - dragon
Nightwind - Fluffy Gray Wolf. Great for parties or those long nights alone. :3
Nikita - Living Gargoyle!
Nikki - Cute, innocent bear cub!
Nikolai - It sucks being a submissive crossdresser who is straight; everyone wants to hump my bum :(
Niko Deimos - A 3 way split personality Wolfie
Nimbrixionostra - Non anthro Female Silver Dragon Cool, reserved and dignified, yet kind, and loving
Nina - little black tigeress
Nini - A feline that acts like a dog sometimes...Nyu!!! (updated June 16, 09)
Ninmah - The thwomp that flops the most
Niranu - She-Snake
Nire - Lobster
Nireth - The living aren't the only visitors
Nita - Feisty little Wolf/Tigress
Niu Nagano - A quirky black bovine gal!
Nix - A small foxboy looking for love
Noa - Merino lamb girl
Noble - Shape Shifter
Nobody -
Noctis Nightscale - Midnight Half Dragoness
Noelani - manta ray
Noire - Herm Tigress
Noir - Just a cat
Noni - Personal Shape Golem
Nony - the two tailed wolf
Nophari -
Nora - Sexy, bouncy, flirtacious fawn dobie girl! Yaah!
Noriko - Ferret not, she's a cop!
Novara - a young kitty wolfess mix with kids (Updated 12-15-08)
Nova \ Novara - a young shy dark wolfess / a young hyper Kitty Wolfess mix
Nozios - Lynx.
NPC - For use with role plays (password: nobody)
Null - 4'5
Nuria - 'Human'
Nurse Aya - Assistant to the handsome devil known as Dr. Malone
Nylndonte -
Nymna - The lost drow
Nyph - A leopard gecko, yellow and reserved.
Nyu - Floof
Nyx Kalmbach - A little Oncilla with a sweet family.
Oblivion - The Death Bear walks among you.
Oedipus - A dark elf with command over shadow magic
Ohm - A displaced golem, solemnly silent
Ohruzir - Incubus
Oki - Slinky and predatory harlequin-patterned chimeric dragoness
Olalu - Ecaflip, grrrrl.
Oliver - Billionaire, playboy, vigilante
Ollie - Forest Guardian
Omadreja - Yes, sir!
Omari - A jackal.
OMGJackalope - Mira del Roi, lads 'n lasses! She's the hermish jackalope supreme!
Onaona - A strange intersexed creature of an indistinguishable species.
onecom - mouse ferret?
onigrift - A girly little bunnnyboi >:D
Oni Sorasousha - Kittyboy! Mewww!
Onych - Just a rone horse with a frisky personality
Ophelia - Mystical lady rat with a penchant for the strange.
Ophiel - Red and black... amazing colours...
OrangeSoda - An orange slime
Orcanis - The big orca fellow
Orchid - A strange and unusual dragon pinkish dragon
Oreo - Cookie-wuff extraordinaire :]
Oria Aurum -
OrionAssante - Anthro White Tiger w/black stripes
Ork - The one and only.
Orpheah - Curvy, shy, grey bunneh with a lil suprise tucked away O.O...
Orphen - ~Work in progress
Oscar - Doberman
Otha J - AKA OJ
Ottsel - Part otter, part weasel, but not really...
Oublietta - Vicious! Lovely! Insatiable!
Owen - the otter!
Oxa - Encrypted HTML = Possibly Verbose Roleplayer. The one and only chimera!
Ozymandius - A young dark wolfboi
Ozzie - Otterdog surfer
Padre - A lovably rough polar bear who just wants a good snuggle
Padunk - Cute lil' Panda Wolf
Pahl - The unveiled truth.
PaintedWolf - Grey wolf
Panda - http://i.imgur.com/RJNe9PL.png - Have a look!
PandaKun -
Pande - Lithe little panda-ish thing with wings.
Pandora - Seductive, enchanting Naga
Pandy - The RedFox with a purple tail?
Paper Tiger - Harimau
Papi - The resident Nuyorican Fox. Gotta love it. ;)
Paradox - What you see, isn't always what you get.
Pariahas - A new confussed being
Pariah - Blue, squishy, and arguably female.
Parias Onyxrayne - Is a Meat Popsicle
Parka! - I'm Parka!
Parthalan - Dragon
Pasternak - Lieutenant Commander Ilya Pasternak
Patashu - Mechanical shapeshifter.
Patrick - A boy of undecided race
Pavlov - Blue Russian Cat in a suit, with dreadlocks.
Payge - Friendly, courteous otter here just to socialize.
Pearl - Before the Swine
Peeps - The candy luvvin wondermutt
Pegasus and Silver Myst - And Silver Myst Read to find out more!!!
Pell - Samoyed guy
Penny Lane - Farm Dog
Pepper - Nerdy Human
Peridot - kobolds
Pete - the non-anthro mouse
Petre - Brown-furred horndog.
Peyo - The Boobie Cactus
Phelp - Wolfy Wolf Wolf!
Phence Maoileachlainn - English-born Male Kitsushifter
Phiasko - Beastius as a fuckmothering vampire wolf
Philippi - A mysterious greenish blue pheonix with ram horns and emerald-green flames surrounding his feathers.
Phoex - Male Winged Fox
Phydoux - SPOTTED DOGGY!!!!
Piggy - Pink skin, curly tail ~
Pike - Malamute
Ping Squirrel - The 'Coon-marked Squirrel Girl
Pinkamena - Everyone's Favorite Party Pony. Party hard, friends.
Pink - Smoothie crossdresser, with floppy pink, furry, ears & pink nipples. Was born Bi.
Pink Feria Navi - A Sand Elf.
Pin Prick - A very sexy creature of darkness..
Pipkin - A grey mouse
Pittance - A familiar face. A familiar, goblin-y face.
Pleasure Bake - Bakery!! (Menu inside)
Plush - big, black horny bull (not tauren, tauren don't go moo)
Pockets - Rat, Male
Poe - Panther kitty, demon cat, spawn of the shadows! Mind your tail [12 Nov 14]
poetfox - Yup, it's me. Shy foxgamergirl with the bunnyesque ears.
Poison - Grumpy mouse girl and prototype blow up doll.
Ponti -
Pony Tail - Humanish, though she likes tails
Potestas - An ex-soldier anthro-dog
Pricky Martin - Weasel of your dreams
Primer - 22 Year old Collie Boy.
Prints - Black Lab/Rottweiler Mix
Prin Xass - Beary bush
Prisha - I'm a Giraffe...(WiP)
Pro - A new profile.
Prof.Haun - A Mix of Terrier and Wolf with a profession in alteration.
Profile Help - Test page lols.
Prof Bambi Hunnydew - Light brown Female Feline with long blue hair
Project 293 -
Prophet - Ferret.
Proteus - and Morphus
Psy - Dead
Puck - Don't be fooled by the cute name.
Pulse - Tiger
Puppet -
Puppy - A Female Golden Lab Pup
pure midnight - the Ascended form of midnight he is now the guardian of heaven CLICK
purple - im cute and cudely
purplewolfy - as you can guess im am a loveable purple wolf!
Purpurn - Purple Panda-Bunny
pyro - A red-eyed wolf that can be a dragon. Occasionally
Pyro\Pyro-d -
Quanqui - A Guardian warrior of Aztec origins.
Quell - Dobermaaaaaaan
Quetzalxochitl - An unusual feral construct with quiet intellect.
Quickshade - Callean Quickshade Fraire
Quilla - Away with the pixies
Quinn - The big orca fellow
Quinton - Muscular Giraffe
R-X11LV Riane - Cyborg Husky Girl
RabbitButt - A rabbit with imagination.
rabbitwolf - A semi demonic nympho rabbit-wolf-demon hybrid
Rabbitwolf - Demonic hybrid of wolf, rabbit, cat and magpie.
Rabidangel - An outcast angelic warrior wondering for something.
Rachel - Ebony bunny with her long hair dyed red
Radar - Herm Hawk!
Radia - Husky girl of college.
Rafferty - the Transcendental Rat
Rag-A-Doll919 - WHO ARE YOUUUU!?
rage - anything ;)
Ragna - Leather Wearing Demon Boy
Ragnheidr - Tiny curious light
Raidaj - Efemminate Fennec
Raiden Oginawa - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Raimundo - A blue and white husky (updated 12/22/12)
Raimusa - 9 foot tall anthro male silver dragon
RainFall - Sexy Tiger Chakat
Rain - Rain=wolfess
Rain & Mist - Rain_&_Mist
Rakita - Corsac fox
Rakkasah - Reserved lioness.
Ralix - 5'8 male river otter, friendly, submissive and very gay ^^ Say hi!
Ramile - Male form of Rami.
Rami Chan - Margay-kitty
Randi Hart - A disney-style herm doe with Doug Winger proportions...
Rane - The pitch black bull
Rania Halbrook - Chinchilla Military Mercenary.
Rania Saab - Customizable Ex-Gypsy Princess
Rantoo - The twisted berret is gone again.
Raspberry Mouse (AKA Kal) - White lab mouse with blue raspberry flavored stripes, often seen wearing goggles!
Rasshin Cubol - A black Cubone with a Les Paul electric guitar
Rastah - A laid back black lion from the islands
Rasta - Rasta Mahn!
Rathian - The epic little guy is back... Redone
Ravage -
Rave - A small male kitsune
Ravenclaw Silvermane - A spunky tressym that will pounce you at any moment
Ravyn - a black panther
Rawlings - A lazy, floating gator of no small merit.
Rawring Lion - Rawr rawr!
Rawrsky - Cinnamon Red Husky, Flirty, Slutty and yet Studly. Call me Sky, I go Rawr.
Rayne Edenia - Anthro white lion with a light blue mane and a light blue tail with the power of mistic and cosmic and shows kindness. He also has white and blue bird wings.
Raz - Cosplaying Blue Bunny Tomboy
Razgriz - I am Wolf, just look at pic
Razzy - Razzy-Pants! Dance Dance Dance~!
Real Celestial -
Redjack - The Crimson Lances Alpha Pack Leader.
RedRacoon - Macro furry with an interest in the smaller types... ^_^
Redstar - Red anthro fox
Red - the gargoyle writer and artist
Regret - The Demon of the Night
Rei-Sama - Chimerical tigerboi, known switch, with illusions of grandeur!
Reicher - A hybrid; primarily snow leopard and goat.
Reidar - Male mongrel housecat
Reih - Half-elf redhead with a cruel streak a mile wide.
Reiske - A Nice Big Clydesdale
Rejekt - Jackal
Rem - Dogbeast
Remington Louis - Red Panda
Remmy - Frog lass
Renamon - The Stoic Kitsune..
Renata Kastner - A Rotty/GSD mutt with an attitude~
Renatesh - Tesha is now a blue butted Renamon!~
Rena - The other side of the Muse
Rena Miki and Rena Chibi - Rena_Miki and Rena_Chibi (UPDATED O_O!!!!!!)
Ren - Collie Bounty Hunter
Rendall -
Renegade - Bad boy Nightwing
Renniks Peacecraft - Formerly known as crimsonwlf
Rev - German street rat with a penchant for cars, ladies, booze, and sometimes guys.
Rex - a red fox
Reynah - I'm new...hi...
Rhett - One of those human fellas.
Rhiannon - Beep beep, I'm a sheep!~
Rhodry - The friendly, flirty, stag.
Riasiru - Chimira kitsune
Riaya - Feral anatomy w/ heavy fox influance.
Rickety - A little bit of everything.
Riddle-17 - Never give your full number
Ries - Ruby dragoness, Feral, or not?..
Riley - Girlyboy Elf with long blonde hair.
Rina - Cybernetic sex partner
Riordan - Demon of mischief.
Ripner - Friendly Yiffy Gay Male Cabbit
RIPP - A slick, super-cool, white-and-red anole(a lizard) with a penchant for being a smart-ass.
Rita - Rita Veronica, Vixen
Riula - Stripped bunny
Rivil - the Noble Violet Dragon
Rixote - A chimera that's been around the block.
Rixote (Human) - When turned into a human via hir own potions~
roadkill - look at Lispera
Robyn - Male dalmatian with a hidden secret.
Rocker pup - If looks could kill youd be a murderer, or mabey just a whore.
Rocky - Nasty, fightin' black rat
Roguered - A purple girly boi bunny.
Rokai Drago - crimson dragon
Rokko - a charming German Shepherd
Roland - Red-Furred Gnoll
Roman - Tentacle Monster, or being if you're not rude
Romos - Ah, yes. The Lycan.
Ronald - The Cat That Has Your Tongue
Ronan - an 8 foot tall lion
rooga - wolf dragon
Rosalee - Black Rat
Rose Aiyoku - No longer around. See inside for details. 10.24.16
Rose Wolf - Bule anthro wolf with white chest furr, daughter of Azure
Roshiko Amanogawa - a Siberian Husky from Siberia, with relations to no one...
Roxanne - Mouse girl
Roxy - the Lemur-Bat
Roxy Stone - The Red Vixen
Rren Trevor - Squirrel Bard
Ruby - Carbuncle Gal
Rubyheart - Cute and Curious white tiggeress with ruby red hair
Rufus - Surprisingly, a MALE border collie. Or maybe not. It depends.
Ruiln - A zebra
Ruil - The shyguy
Rukan Hisashi - Nine Tailed Fennec Kitsune
Rulai - Moo
Ruliya - The Deathclaw
Rune Swiftfin - Ladies ladies ladies~
Rushaard - A Fox Paladin of the world called Azeroth
Russell - Ratman
Russ - Human Male
Rust - Dark red anthro dragon
Rusty - A western rabbit, no not a jackalope.
Ryan -
Ryin - A serval
Ryker - The baddest fucking husky ever.
Rylos - anthro male dragon
Rysten - A macro Book lion
Ryuma - dragon of fire and earth
Ryuuia Ryuusei - A black Herm/Female Dragoness
RyuWilder - The Peaceful White Tiger
Râziel - Fallen Angel
sa'vili - The Druidic Centaur
Sabaku - Male Fendras
SaberToothed Panther - A black Panther very friendly so don't be afraid
Saber Tiger - just a black panther[ i know why put tiger]
Sabra - A cat
Sabre - Human. 'nuff said
Sabrina - Ice Fairy
Safarah -
Sagira Kirdos - Silvia Kirdos's Twin Sister
Saiba - The first plant fur in the tub
Saige - A subby Panther boi.
Saikuji -
Saira - Aurorian Elf Berserker/Markswoman
Sakky - Busty, semi-chubby wolger (wolf-tiger hybrid)
Sakria - Seductive Striped Sharkess
Sakuma - Necromancer
Salaman - color-changing shapeshifty salamander
Salem - A Black Panther man with a with a white stripe down his chest.
Salidres - Black wolf with a cloak
Saliru Laten - Anime Neko Elf Hybrid
Saliru Sani - Sand Elf Nekojin Dickgirl
Sally - A Lustful Child of the Earth
Samantha - Plush Feline Teacher.
Sammie - sammie the hammie
Samson - Northern Coal Skink
Samuel Riot - Red Fox boy Solider
Samui - 6-tailed arctic kitsune
Sam Blacksheep - Smug punk of a Ram
Sanaa - Grey wolf
Sanbi - Three tails
Sandayuu -
Sang - A large black bear with crimson runic markings
Sangria - Will o' the Wisp
Saoirse - A female Bhorchlean who has managed to wander her way Tubward.
Sara-Li - Shy, echidna girl explorer.
Sarafina Arkex - Gothic Lolita Vixen
sara - Giant Kang see inside
Sarah - A human girl who has managed to wander into a land of furries
Sarah Smith - Dusky-skinned human gal
Sarasem - 5'8'' red weasel girl with a few assorted piercings and a mild technophilia.
Sarina - Still a harpy. Caw. [2/17/16 remake!]
Sartriss - Lean-built sympatric jaguar with a coy smile!
Sascha - Skunk girl
Sashachan - Demon fox? Well...maybe...but in a good way!!
Sashara - Purple lady cuddle dragoness.
Sasha Akechi - Alluring Leopard Boi
Sasina - Lion-Dog hybrid, descended from ancient Shinto temple guardians.
Saulo - An unscrupulous business-gator.
Sayuma - A Cabbit Boi.
Sayuri - The things my sword cannot cut are nyan!
scaily409 - TF TG GOD
Scamper - Just a gay little gray ratboy. (read on!)
Scarlet - Attention deficit squirrel girl. Who has a short attention span.
Scarlett - A red hermy bunny
Scarlet D - Big red dragoness
Scarlet Spider - -- See Kaine Parker--
Schader Baristos - A raccoon that looks like he came right out of Miami Vice
Scheherazade - Along came a spider~
Scherza - Fencing Demon Girl
Sciurindae - Cut and fuzzy squirrel boi
sciylenz - pouncy, bouncy kitty
Scomparsa di amare -
Scopie - A red panda female. Perhaps more coming later.
Scotty Kat> - Cute lil Skunk kitty mix looking for fun
Scritch - En garde!
Scrubs - A MLP of whichever gender you'd like!
Scruff - The Original and Best Coffee Fox
Scully - Black jackal with a past...
scuttles - crab
Seadres - sexy, black dragoness
Sean - Male, Harlequin Great Dane
Sebastian - an antro red and black demon wolf.
Sebun - Run run run..
Seethe -
seffa sedetin - tall exchange student
Seiger - Bisexual Red Fox
Seiki Ren-ai - A quiet Red Panda, confident and sure of her self.
Sekhi - Ocelot
Sekushi - Gray wolf with some wings.
Selene - Sultry Transgender Filly
Selfina - The white tigress of the Tub. Goes by Selfie. [inactive]
Selis - Wasp-Like humanoid Herm
Selkie - I'm a monster, Rar!
sellestia - a fun loving catgirl, that is always up for anything
semnae - Updated (1/11/06) and pic free with gander!
Senka - The Invisible Gal
Sephiroth - The one winged angel.
Sepphy - Silver-haired unicorn/pegasus cross
Serana - Female Wolf Teacher, who needs a lesson?
Serenade - A panther, intreverted and hopelessly romantic. Updated 10/27/08.
Serena - Female, Border collie
Serene - See Syrus
serenity - Lithe, petite otter girl~
Serenity - Teh ferret of cuteness!!!
sergei - twilight wolf
Serimech - Walking into the shadows you find......
Seriph - shape shifting anthro horse
Seri - Serimech
Seth - Seductively good looking vampire cloaked in shadows
Sexy Ears - A male bat with long ears.
Seyer Rotsen - Male Dragon here.
Seysi Ni - Red-Tailed Hawk Girl
Shado - female blue-black anthro kitty... mostly... >:)
ShadowDragon - Shadow Dragon
Shadow - I dark gray and black wolf.
Shady - See Shady Wolf
Shady Wolf - The Gray Wolf who is a Traveller
Shag - A fuzzy sheep!
Shair -
Shakti - Trianii Jedi
Shala - I am a Brown Recluse Spider
Shalisa - Seductive Drider
Shalk - Non-anthro black wolf.
Shalyra - New pink bunny
Sharlay - A meek cowgirl
Shasta - Sabercat/wolf hybrid fighter girl
Shaw - Friendly jackalope fellow.
Shawn - Human female treasure hunter
Sheila A - A shapely anthro alligator! Woo!
Sheila Vixxxen - The Red Hot Fire Foxxx from Sabrina Online!!
ShelbyDingo - An often confused and fuddle-headed, blonde Dingo (Warrigal) female!
Shelby - Mad Scientist/Nurse
Shelby Lavendel - An oddly colored female Corgi.
Shelia - Bouncy Councy Trouncey.
Shello - Pink gay husky puppy
Shelly - The little human, change me
Sheol - The Otherworld Sin of Lust with a delectable ass.
Shepherd - Malamute. Big guy.
Sherri Law - A shy but willing to serve Kangaroo Maid
She Beast - nick name:Beastie
Shia - A Harpy eagle.
Shiana - A shemale rat.
Shiku - Egyptian panther
Shinji - A massively horny bull
Shiori Shi - A Kitsune with way to many tails for her own good.
Shira - Last Name's Nesir, Don't forget about it!
shishi - Lithe blue catboy, or girl, or inbetween...
shi no tenshi - Decimate The Weak
Shi Zhi - Kunming wolfdog
Shoga - a lynx girl with black feathery wings....
Shogun-Antione - 16-bit tonu
Shokan - a she beast of a MILF
Shornaal - HI!
Shrimp - short, pink-skinned guy with big eyes and long, thin antennae.
Shroxx - Wolgon Updated: Currently Reworking
Shu - A gay bunny boi
Shugo - White Arctic Foxie
Shurvam, Ian - Silverback gorilla. "Please, call me Mr. Shurvam."
Shyann - A doe,
Shyka - Cute little human girl
Shyriku - Rainbow colored Sea Dragon
Sibyl - Weresphynx and adventurer
Sicha - Skunkette with a little something extra in her stink
sickien -
Sidney - Tiger Shark
Sid - The smoke feline
Siegfried - The S-01 Model- Cybernetic Wolf
Sierra Monaghan - Panda
Sig - A laid back, metal-blooded wolf from the mountains of Carpathia.
Sigma - A crystal sphere, often referred to as an elemental
Sileas - The kelpie
Silei - The Deepsong siren
Silentfur - A traveler just looking to settle down somewhere nice and peacefulish
Sili - geckolady
silith - a being not here but in your presence
Sillydraco - Just a silly little dragon hatchy, bein silly and happy!
Silva - Independant wolfess
Silverback - a gentle gorilla.
Silverstitch - ratkin theif
SilverTooth - SILVAH!!!!!
Silverwind - Huge Silver dragon
Silver~ - Wolf, of the silver variety
Silvia - Asylum patient
Silviana - The Evergreen
Silvin Rosewater - Elf
Silya - The new cow on the block
Simba - Simba A lion From the pride lands
Simon Wolf - Timber wolf, male, 19
Sinje - a fox
Sinnon -
Sin - Sin is Sweet
SirBlakeAkuma - a large dark furred lion, with bllood throughout his mane
Siriah - See the Desc for Iris. ^^
Sir Robert Catesby - An interesting young fellow whom is interested in many things.
Sir WolfyGriffy - A Knight of yeYiff Table!
Sister - The Big sister
Sithron Haraithius - A red and black demon tarantula that can spin fire webs.
SittingBear - Shaggy grizzly bear
Siva - Large male... something or other
Six - A vague and nonspecific being.
Sixty - Brown and cream colored cottontail rabbit
Skater bunny - Bunny/Lapine
Skayrs - a fox...
Skeith - Gamer fox
Skeleton Moe - Skeletons don't have dicks!
Skia - Daemon girl
Skip - Short, sweet corgi girl!
Skittles - A plump female possum
Skizzer - Kobold
skul - Undead
Skylar Inari - Grey Kitsune
Skylla Rodion - A dhole who likes to ride. (The canine, not that...weird thing from those games..)
Sky - Wolfess
Slaamundi - Tribal Feral Lion Man
Slade Reed - Big bootied transgender ferret boy.
Slair - Slacker hyena
Slarn Vak'deem - A Sangheili of comfortable stature. Mr.Vakdeem / Dr.Vakdeem
Slaughter - Black vixen
Sleek - Shy, male, Otter. Please treat him nicely ^^'
Slender Dragon - Adorable little green dragonboi
Slix Maru - Crimson anthro fox with white accents. [Long Desc not really accureate anymore.]
Slyth - Grinning snake
Slythvitius - An Akward Something or Other.
Sniffs - bunny
Snooze - Gold/white furred male husky
Snowbunny - the white tigress pheodragon hybrid : 12/7/12
Snowfall - Pure white half angel wolf
Snowy - I might look like a girl but I swear I'm not!
Soaring Sushi - Don't blame me.
Sofia - Ermine
Soji - Just a quiet little gray rat.
Solace - The Black Mammilian Dragoness
Solar - A Casual, Quiet Lion
Somne - Avatar, Doll, Automaton.
Sonia - Polar bear gurl o.o
Sonik - English Shire Horse. Big powerfull gentle giant type.
Sonix - A layed back Hedghog.
Sophie - Dark furred wolfess
Sophieti - Royal Italian Mink-Girl
Soshanna - Werewolff
Spekter -
Spiritdance - Newely updated 08/02/2014
Splat - Hi! My name is Splat! ^.^
Spoogie - The Spoo Monster
Spots - Quiet & Friendly Spottycat
Squiggly - The Grown Inkling
Srinken - IS ALSO SRINKA: fun, loving hybrid
Stacy - Red haired elf gir
Stahl - Adorable Rottweiler
Stargleam - Big gyphon guy~
Starless - Meow, hiss, roar!
Starlight - Horsey~
Starling - Ocelot
Star Wonder - Loveable, ball of pink, tri-tailed fluff
Statik - ~rubrubZAP~
Stephanie Brown - Batgirl; Daughter of the Cluemaster
Stephen - Definitely not that other guy.
Stole - A steal! No, wait. It's a Stole.
Stolichnaya - Male cat spirit of the vodka
Stormy - Wolfess of Fire
Streak Morton - Hi Everybody!
Strider - Big Pup
Stripes - The Tiger Wearing a Fun-fur Tail
Strom - A horse of course!
stryker - a 6'5 white anthro wolf
Subtletly - Just look at he name.
Sugu - young, naive sow that has trouble NOT gettin' raped. Spawn of Beastius.
Suki - Little black kitty
Sukotto - a male Arctic Fox
Sully - Enchanting Anubian Succubus
SullyZerg - Xenomorph, Jackal and Zerg mix!
Sunday - Fuzzy little winged rabbit!
Sunny - Girly Wolf Boy
Sunochi - The shapeshifting Vixen
Surf - a male anthro Vaporeon.
surki - a anthro catboy that doesnt mind to snuggle
Sushibur - (WIP) Saliva Imp
Susie - A bunny Girl
Sutro - Reddish-brown bear
Suzanne - Ook ook muthafuka
Suzie - Dalmatian
Svea - Stuffed bunny
Svenk - The Pirate!
Svipul - Wolven Valkyrie
Swampy -
Sweet - cosplay pet of shalisa
sxywingleperd - Im a dam sqirl boy
Sybaris - Chimaeric Spaceman
Sybil - Yuan-ti halfblood
Sylderon - Big blue non-anthro dragon
Sylphaen - Mysterious, Enchanting Mermaid
Sylvette - Wind~~~!
Sylvie - Aka Ives
Sylvie 'Ives' - Nice to meet you... again?
Sylwit - The queen hive Demoness
Syni - Syni the simply sinful sister of Juko.
Syrene - See Syrus
Syringe - Black and pink-feathered Gryphoness with a 'tude.
Syrne - And without her sisters' sight she was cast out, and used like a beast.
Syr - Syr Fox, a royal red fox
Syrus - Grey Anthro wolf wearing shorts...Serene is also found in here. Also Syrene is new...inquire inside. Update!: Due to niceties, was able to get a free sketch of both Syrus and Serene!
Syrus Morris - Syrus' Halloween costume...dressed as Jonathan Morris
T'Chaka - the king of Ukatana
Tabatha - Red-Eyed Tree Frog.
Tabula Rasa (Trasa) - A bunny actress with a secret or three
Tahn - Phoenix/Dragon hybrid. [Updated 1-15-11]
Tailrazor - Very tall, very thin, very quiet Red Panda girl
Tairena - The effeminite panda-boi
Takumi - Look! A pink, crossdressing, bunny boi!
Talent - What you see is what you get!
Talessa - a Tall sexy green dragoness with huge knockers and hardware all over her body.
Talia - Busty Aeromorph~
Talic - A fox!
Talon 3 - A herm soilder _people who want to be a pet need to look here!_
Talon Tiller - a male sandshrew
Tal Greywolf - Just this liquid silver shapeshifter, you know?
Tamarinde Fieldings - Mackenzie Valley Wolf/Akita/Husky
Tamet - a blunt bluejay with a penchant for speaking her mind
Tameth - The Non-morphic Mammilian Dragoness
Tanek Xavier - A cybernetic herm of average femanine height with a few other attributes.
Tanni - Purple/Green Falhorn
Tanya - Tiny Golden SheFox
Tanya Kitty - Big Titty Kitty :)
Tanya Rocksmith - Southern belle coyote!
Tarja - Dark Fairy
Tartara - Demonic Bull
Taryn - Red Panda Princess (Updated 2/6/14)
Tasha - Skunk girl
Tasunke Ragetotem - High Overlord Tasunke Ragetotem
tatalia - the arabian lioness
Tathton - male dragon
Tatyana - ~Giggle~ hi ~ <3
Tay - Though Quite rare, Tay like to meet new faces.
TChaka - a lion warrior of Ukatana
Tea - Femme Corgi
Teahd - Anime Jellyfish Girl
Teala - Perky birdy girly!
Teal - Funky shapeshifter with a feminine mindset
Technikis - Technikis von Blackheart, a bright green fennec fox.
Teddy Ran - Beware the teddy berret is gone
Teddy RJB - A megalomaniac teddy bear.
Ted Zakros - Yello!!!
Teff - Hermaphrodite mixture of mink, genie, and teflon.
Tel - I'm smarter than the average (polar) bear.
Telmahri - In brief, a lean snow leopard.
Ten - Alien from two galaxies over.
Tenna - Grasshopper
Tentaclessa - The artist known as.
Teri - The New Bovine on the block
Terri - Hey Luv
Teru - A laid back artsy cat.
Terzeii - >.>
Tesha - A curvy, plump sexy polar bear~
TeshaPony - Tesha in Pony form
Tessera - Water Nymph Quadruplets. One mind, four bodies!
Texashi - The Gunning Fox
Tex - Proud son of a Texas Longhorn and a southern Ox
Thalassa - Dolphin lady
Thanatos - Mighty Minotuar
Thana - Vampiric Pantheress
thatoneguy - Spotted businesspup!
Thea - Wandering Gypsy
Thelrane - Lizard Roboticist
Thelxinoe - Felkin feral dragon
Thelx - male otter
Theodolus - Deliciously immortal male-ish herm jackalope.
Theodore - Good evening~
Theo the Stallion -
The Adonis - Masculine, manly, muscular, perfect.
The Angel Wolven - A tall silver wolf with hair that reaches her feet, and two large white wings.
The Cube - Neat lil' knick-knack
The Ocean's Executioner - The Pirate Ship belonging to the Belleville triplets.
The Orrery - planetarium consisting of an apparatus that illustrates the relative positions and motions of bodies in the solar system by rotation and revolution of balls moved by wheelwork
The Questing Beast - From out of Legends...
The Torture Chamber - Armadox's adult novelty shop, where he makes restraints, toys, and other devices.
The Tub Awards - Summer Awards Winners Are In!
The UCB - Formless and Indefinite.
The Wraith - peace! and much luv to ya...
The Wyld - The shapechanging Embodiment of Nature!
Tholi - One part tiger, one part thrillseeker, one part ritzy.
Thomas Pinkerton - A gentleman fox...
Thor - a tall elk with an impressive..rack yeah yeah rack of antlers!
Thunderbolt - A yellow eyed lightning wolf.
Thyra Ironheart - White Tigress
Tiaemy - Out of the light...
Tibalt - Devil, Man, Prick.
Tibbs -
Tiberius Verboten - Foax male -- (Fox/Goat hybrid)
Tibold - Conversation-Inclined Coyote
Ticky - tickticktick
Tierani -
Tierra - A wolf who has been mysteriously been experimented on by army scientists
Tifa - White furred black haired playful feline~
Tiff aka kanga - kangaroo im working on the rest
Tigerboi - Sumatran Tigerboi
TigressMika - Horny little Southern tigress
Tika - kangaroo
Tinisa - Female, Owl Dragon.
Tiny - "Well my name's Tshien but Tiny's easier to say. I'm a chihuahua!"
TinyBubbles - a friendly and courious amorphous mass of bubbles.
Tish - A otter
Titan - White-furred anthrobunny, fairly muscular, kind of a big fella.
Tjolnir - Assortment
Tlek'ai - A bat athro with a kind heart.
Toaster Oven - A toaster oven.
Tobi - Playful Doberman~
Toby - Small, but deceptively potent, pup
Tokugawa - Toky for short.
Tolerth - Ebony Minotaur who enjoys fun and games and occasional witty banter ^.^
Tom - a white tiger from brazil n.n
Tomi - Just another Japanese bobtail cat
Tommy - Horsey boy
Ton - Deer
Tonkinese - A tonkinese cat with neediness issues
Tonya Sparks -
Tony - Golden blonde catboi - Updated for the 2010's!
Tora - Black-Tipped Reef Shark
Tori - half drow half crimson dragon
Torque - A mimic octopus
Tosha - Tiny Golden SheFox
Tosh - Just your typical anthro jackal. Or is he..?
Totem - please don't stare
Toth - Battle-scarred hare.
Touji - Arctic Fendras
Tower -
Toxemia - The sweetest fruit often hides the darkest seeds.
Toxic - An albino bat girl.
Toxi - Shy and Sweet Fensky
Tracey - Can't you knock first~?
Tranquilla - Catgirl
Transmutedelf - Male elf with raven colored hair who is subject to change.
Treasure - a Bengal-patterned female cat, very playful and affectionate
Tree Aleesh - Alien visitor and scout
Trel - The long limbed maned wolf
Trina - Pink Giraffe
Tripp - Escaped lab rat
Tris - A white hare with tattoos and quite a few tricks up his sleeve.
Trista Langard - Wolf, Fennec fox hybrid
Troian - A Jackal, a demi-demon, and a rapist.
Troy - A large male mammoth
Truffle - A sophisticated pig
Tsuki - The whitest wolf there ever was~ <3
Tsumi - Moogle!
Tuari - Tribal gryphon
TUB Arena Rules - Patch 1.1 released.
Tweak - Mewhiss
Twilightwolf - called Twi now
Twitch - 8 feet of dragon, 10 inches of fun.
TwitchFox - Little arctic fox. :3
twoee - the big green mother from outer space!
Tyla - A massive hippo-taur, clad in the uniform of a MegaCity One Judge
Tyr - A massive minotuar, shaggy and ruthless.
Tzymadeus - A well hung Hedgie Boi
udder - Muscular Antrho Cow
Ueki - Plant
Uialneth - elf
Ukkio - A simple Deer... She a Doll of a Doe ^_^
Ultima -
Una - A pretty, perky pony with a horn
Uragon - The alien, Evitan
Uratoh - A kind of space cow-like thing.
Ursula - Large, beautiful, anthro cow
Usaden - Mutator formarum dracon (Dragon)
Usagi - burger bun
Vahan - Dragon Turtle
Vahn - Sexy Mexican Red Fox
Vail - The Doll
Vaine - Sheep
Val - A Lioness who enjoys company of all.
Valas - A large breed of oxen
Valentina - The youthful, crimson naga
Valeris - 6 foot kitsune wearing a nice almost formal outfit. Fur = red.
Valli - Entess
Valo -
Valridagan - I'm a male black anthro folf, and almost always horny. I prefer men.
vampire - immortal, undead being, who drinks blood, has fangs and does NOT sparkle in the sunlight.
Vanessa - Rabbit
Varell - The Rogue Angel
Vashiel - Lovable and powerful tigress.
Vasilica - Houndoom
vasily - jackal
Vaust - Lesbian White Dragon
Vegrim - Vegrim the Penguin
Ventus - A tall Black Bear with Bright Hazel colored eyes
Vera - See 'Chah'
Verastraza -
Vermouth - A shapeshifting clay girl
Vern - Tough exterior, soft interior.
Veronica - Jaguar/dragoness
Vexrile - Agent Vexrile
Viala D'annunzio - A wealthy heiress. A lost soul. A bleeding heart.
Victoria -
Victor Daniels - Businessman wolf at your service
Viera - Black anthro panthress.
Viggo - the litle red tiggy rar >:3
Viktor(tiger) - Siberian Tiger
Viktor - Cursed beast, owner of Red Rose Incorporated.
Viladia - Vampire...squid.
vincent - a large silver and green demon, fox with glowing jade eyes
Vincent Star - Just your average Mutt.
Vincent Wolf - Jack of all trades, King of nothing *Updated 2-13-10*
Vince Anderson - Red fox of awesomeness
Vinnie - A cute little kittyboi
Vin - Serpent
Vio-Jade - The twin taled cinna-mon Nekomata god
Viola - Bookish little lab rat lady
Viol - An elemental
Violet - Gay honeybee. a little small, but great big fun
Vira - Goth rat. Maybe more than she seems?
Viral - Error... System Compromised...
Viridian - An Elf girl from Zefilia
Viron - triceritops man!
virtigo - fox, male 18
Virus 'Vi' - Cold to the bone.
Vis - C:\Program Files\VisPulse2.4.0\VoxPack03
Vivey - The two tailed grey fox Vixen!
Vivian Slyver - Revamp...
Vivil - The haunted boy
Vivi - small black and red foxxy
Vixana - fuzzy and friendly kitsune girl
Vixyyfox - Fennec Fox
Vixy Berry - The new Strawberry Vixen on the block
Vopisca - Striped SQUIRL with Glasses
Vox - raiju musician
Vox Procellas - raiju musician
Vula - Blind dark elf
Vyrdaes - Same as Vyrdaes_Thirku
Vyrdaes Thirku - A fairly tall, Anglo-Australian Folf... who happens to be a rather mellow shade of purple.
Vyse - Brown Deinonychus learning the ropes
Vzzov - -bvvvvvt. zzvvv izz vmmm.- [Do not proceed if you don't have a love for sci-fi and wordiness] WoT!
Wally - Donkey dude
Wally the Alien - Adventurous Alien Boy
War Emblem - gay anthro racehorse
Wasd - Three-tailed feral kitsune.
Whippet - He's a quiet, shy troll, until you come to know him better.
Whisp Foxx -
Whisp the foxx - a tripple treat of the most oddball group you ever knew
Whitefang - Dead
whiteirishtiger - Female size shifting white tiger
Whitezombie - A critter with a pimp cane. Dancing, YEAH!
White Wolf - A white, spear-wielding wolf
Wild - A tall, muscular, Stallion ready for pretty much anything.
wildfire - a short female herm foxy
Will - African Wild Dog
William DaTiger - Just a gentle Siberian Tiger
Willis - Donkey Boy
Willow - A shy little Dryad
Will Lion - Your nice and friendly lion!
Will lion - Your very slender and playfull lion
Wilson - Wilson Graves, or Wil for short. Behemoth Guy.
winny - a wite horse with wings
winraven - blue 4 tailed kitsune
Wintermoon - White Tiger Chakat
Winter the Fox - Now a Herm!
Winter the hybrid dragon - Anthro hybrid dragon of sorts.
Wisp - The Light
Witchcraft - Your little pony's all grown up
Woad - Wolven/Clydesdale Cross
Wocrun - A strange alien life form
Wolfe - Shadow Wolf with tendencies to dissappear
Wolfe Den - Home of the Wolfe family. <3
Wolffang - A wolf. Gray. Brother to Chaos
Wolf - Wolf O'Donnell
Wood -
Wraith Silverbloom - >:3
Wrenith - Playful black pantheress
Wrost Oen - A true professional
Wulfric - Gator Pimp
Wyborova - Monotreme with moves.
Wyndy - Pansexual Female Vixen
Wystrya - A homonucleus Artificer
X-23 - Female mutant clone of Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
X-2478 - now Xander
Xander Leuco - If it's shiny, I like it. If it's 80 proof, I ADORE it.
Xanthe - Profiles of Xanthe, Xanthos, and Xane
Xanthe \ Xanthos \ Xane - Profiles of Xanthe and her counter parts.
Xaos - a male hellhound
Xarish(real) - Not sure what I was on, but I forgot the password so re-doing the real one
Xarish - 2.0 with crazy spider action!
Xavier - Teh bunneh boi.
Xavier Wolf - First off, i am not the Xavier bunny, Just to clear that up.
Xear - Red Husky
Xeis -
Xenn - Coral Squid
Xeno - Fuck you
Xeraph -
Xero - black and silver dragon
Xheket - Princess Wasp
Xiamar - A psychic raven!
Xinjinmeng - Primadonna in Libertà, Transuranic Uranian, Heldentenor Harridan, and Virtuous Virago
Xinlane - Just your everyday mentaly insane FOx! :o
Xiseria - Slender mischievous lich-vixen, part demon, part angel, all trouble.
Xnala - The colorful bird that's always on your mind.
Xoda - Paradox
XXXV - Porcine Pitfighter
Xylia - ~Xenomorph Nurse~
X tclu - The vampire predator hybrid
Ya-Chan - Big but cuddly Oni-Girl
Yanne - Tattooed white Fennec fox
Yasei Juusan - Digimon tamer
Yavapai -
Yeex - Imp
Yelphin - Crow who loves good times and adventure
Yemma - Lil red Oni
Yiffable Horsie - strong, hung brown horse filled with lust
Yiffwarsplanthing - Cyo studf
yiffyherm - aa kitusne herm
Ying Yang - A male dual-formed, um, thing
Yinnin - Playful Husky Gal
Yote - Quirky Coyote
yote[archived-not-in-use] - half fox half demon wolf all love and yiff
Ysaka Serger - a ex-slave hyena bard who looks like a red mage and part time stripper/lover.
Yuki - A Fun Friendly Ferret
Yukio - Japanese Butterfly. Twin sister to Namari
yuna - kitty girl. shy at first. but warms up and isnt so shy after a while
Yvor - A beast that is neither one thing nor the other. [RP form for Everlurche]
Z'iel - Part of a Wolf, now
Za'xalya - An abomination of nature....yet....beautiful?
Zabbic - The malformed
ZachBear - Chubby Polar Bear with a big heart.
Zach Morris - A very, very large MHerm DILF. As imposing as he may be, he's a teddy bear. (Or at least a half of one.)
Zack the Boy - Zack the human boy
Zagan - His very first trick was pulling himself out of a hat.
Zahi - Androgynous punk fennec boi.
Zain - Crocodile of the Nile
Zakhani - Young male troll shaman.
Zakiah - Blond Incubi
Zakiya - Young, female troll.
Zani - A Coyote Assassin
Zarina Threa - Strange Lioness
Zartie - Bi dude.
zarvuz - anubian dancer
Zasha - Straight from hell~
Zazroy - A male tiger trained in the Ozunu clan.
ZBel - See Gozebelith
Zea - Tropical Orca Gal~
Zechariah - Sup?
Zedkiel Blood - Zedkiel, Progenitor of the Blood Clan
ZeeZee - A Female Zhelle
Zeitaku Baipu - Toy Bunny
Zeiva - Vampire bat
Zekara - Black Dragoness
Zekin Flames - 1/4 bi and really nice
Zelk - Big black shy dragon
Zell - Sea dragon! Very sleek and slightly floofy!
Zelphie Jeanne - An adorably thick elephant girl!
Zenguu - Troll Mage
Zen - http://i41.tinypic.com/mh3bmh.jpg
Zephial Zepher - A Slender Blue male Hyena.
Zephyr - Feral Dragon
Zergling - Name should make that obvious. >w>
Zerik - A wolf/cat, yet more wolf shows
Zero - ???
Zesty - Panda. Herm. Tight jeans. Enough said.
Zethe Tolaro Rysaeis - The enchanted Steel Dragon from Veladintiar
Zhelle - A Cheetah and Border Collie mix
Zherneboh - Male Northern Sergal
ZigZag - (in)famous Tiger-Striped Skunkette!
Zijah - Short 'i'. Soft 'j'. Purr.
Zike - Female Blaziken
ZillaBoy - "Who? Oh, I think he's my uncle...big in Japan, I think."
Zinc - moody white ferret
ZInnath - Zinnath bringer of storms
Zira - A beach bum wolfess!
Ziron SkullWhisper - Greetings~
Ziru - Just a friendly Salamander Cuntboy!
Ziv - You know I'm cool, I have sunglasses.
Zivha - Twili wolf
Zivku (Avdriyzh) - Twilit canus
Zizi - Zebra gal
Zoe - Saber-Tooth Cutness!
Zoom&Zoom Dragon - The marsh dwelling cobra, from FF7
Zuke - Orange and cream Husky, semi-shifter, who aims to please ^_~
Zycky - Updated 10 March 2010
Zydrayn - Bi femmy raccoon. 4'8 and normally pretty hyper
Zylas -
Zylo - Orange male fox with a blue tipped tail
Zyruss - Male were-raccoon^^
Zzysyul - Thing of the Lightless Wastes
Z the Mutt - It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a frog? Nope, just little ol' me. Z the Mutt.
~Hayena~ - Bi Hyena Girl

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Jun 08 / 2022 (12:10 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / Pacific Standart Time). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)