is reality? Anything people will agree on (nyyyyah).
You're furry... if you say you are, everyone will be happy to agree with
you and so the reality of it spreads, radiating outward in comfortable
halo of agreement. Most furry art, and furry pr0n in particular, one comes
across tends to be based on real furries, and why not, it makes things
so much easier as an atist for the spark of life to be provided ready made,
character atributes laid out in neat order. Its art that 'wants' to be
drawn, art that begs (and sometimes whines) to be brought into existance.
As an artist its hard
to resist, one might think of the 'TUB' as a marvelous little engine, whirrring
away under its own power ,churning out in massive quantaties, neatly typed
up is ASCII fornat, all the lurid graphic fantasy one could ever use.
...the archives
hold about 600 pages, i post all the new stuff, page by page, up front
where anyone can get at them..but if you want the whole bunch you'll need
to subscribe....